Chapter 7

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Zale's POV

"No. Absolutely not." I said, shaking my head. I was not gonna do that. Absolutely not.

"Zale just-"

"No!" I said and cut Chaos off. It was nothing to write home about. I was not gonna go back there. And definitely not with the soldiers there. They hated me, and I hated them.

"Zale you have to." I shook my head. Chaos sighed. "You give me no other choice Jackson." I froze at the mention of my last name. I looked at him, his face was completely emotionless.

"You are not sending me down there." I pointed towards the floor, towards Earth. "I am not going to Camp Halfblood. What would they think? "Oh, Percy is alive, but never came back", they'd hate me." I looked down.

"You can wear your hood, besides it's been 800 years since you were there last time. No one would even recognize you." He said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, still not fond of the idea of returning. What wouldn't they say? Chiron would definitely be disappointed. Right? "Just wear your hood and it'll all be fine." He smiled his bright smile at me. I nodded once again. With a deep breath I nodded.

"Okay.. I might regret it, but okay."

"Great! You will leave in ten." He said and disappeared into thin air.

Okay, so now I had to pack whatever I wanted to have with me. I had to have my bow and sword with me. I flicked my wrist and my sword appeared in my hand, with another flick it disappeared. I had my bow on my back. Two sets of throwing knives in each of my boots. And my glove with talons on, on my left hand. A magical tent in my pocket. Was that it? A magical tent and my weapons, was that all? I felt like I was missing something, but I couldn't place it. I took my hood up, the magical mist, cowering my face in a dark shadow. This was gonna be... Interesting.

I looked up as Chaos opened the door and walked in.

"Ready to go?" He asked and gave me a soft smile. He got a cold glare in return, and I could see a small flash of fear in his eyes for a quick second. "Okay then." He stretched his arm out and before his hand, a portal with the galaxy in, opened. "I'll see you. And... Please don't kill any of my soldiers." He added with a small smile. I just rolled my eyes, which he couldn't see, and then walked through the portal.

I was blinded for a second, by the light from the sun going up, but my vision quickly turned back to normal. I looked at my surroundings and found that Chaos had sent me into the forest in Camp Halfblood. It was dawn. I began walking towards the outskirts of the forest. Before walking out of the forest, I found a nice tree and climbed up in it. I crouched down on a thick branch and scouted out over the camp. It looked empty. No campers were playing volleyball. The amphitheater was deserted, so was the dining pavilion, the archery field, sword fighting arena, the climbing wall and even the armory. There weren't even anyone at the lake. It was all deserted. There was one change with the camp. A new cabin was standing next to the other cabins. It was black with small glittering stars on. It was actually a pretty cabin. I turned my head and looked up at the Big House. It looked the same as when I was here 800 years ago. Well except for the fact that it looked like they had painted a new coat over the blue paint. It was still blue though. I smiled sadly at it, then I saw someone come walking down the hill. Well, now I know why there weren't any campers. They were all walking down the hill, with Chiron and.. No. Chaos' soldiers. I groaned and watched them walk down the hill. I guess that'd be why there was a new cabin. For the soldiers. The soldiers entered their cabin and left the campers dumbfounded outside with Chiron. I watched for a few more minutes. The campers had gone back to what they were doing before.

Chiron was talking to six people. A certain blonde haired girl caught my attention. Annabeth. He told me that there wasn't anyone here that I had known, well except for Chiron. Chaos had lied to me. Lied. I growled silently, and watched Chiron talk to the seven. They must have been turned immortal or something, since they were still alive. They looked happy as they talked. Had they even gone looking for me? 'No, Zale. Forget them, they're not your friends anymore, just someone you know. They're Percy's friends and Percy isn't here', I scolded myself. I sat down on the branch and leaned back against the trunk, and watched the campers and the Seven. Or well what was left of the Seven.

When the campfire started I bit my lip. I should probably get down and introduce myself, but I didn't really want all of the attention. After debating whether or not to go down and show myself, I decided that it may be a good thing to get down and introduce myself. I sat back up so I was crouching on the branch, and took my bow. If I had to show myself, then I could at least make a big entrance. Even though it was beginning to get dark, it was easy enough to see, especially with the light from the big campfire. Today the flames were a bright orange. The campers sat and chatted and sang songs, while the Chaos Soldiers talked with low voices and glanced around and at the campers. Suddenly Chiron walked up and stamped his hoof into the ground, gaining everyone's attention. He smiled warmly at the campers and soldiers.

"First of all, welcome to Chaos' soldiers!" His voice was clear as the night sky. Some campers clapped, but most of them just looked at the warriors. "Second of all, tomorrow we have Capture the flag," cheers were heard. "And I suppose the Chaos Soldiers want to be on a team for themselves?" Chiron looked at them, and the guy, Delta, their leader nodded.

"Yes, it'd be nice to get some practice and see how the campers fight." He said. I rolled my eyes at him. He was an idiot. Chiron nodded.

"Great," He said. I raised my bow and pulled the string back, a black arrow magically appeared on it. "And the next thing on the agenda." He looked at the Hermes cabin. "No more slime pranks." He gave them a sharp look, but they just smirked and whispered to each other, probably planning another prank. I took aim. "Now Annabeth will take ov-" I fired the arrow, and it bore into the wood right in front of Chiron's hoofs. He backed away with two steps and looked up from the arrow from where it was shot. Sadly he couldn't see me, because I was in the shadows. The campers and Chaos Soldiers were standing up, alerted. I could see Delta looking at the arrow, and if I wasn't wrong he noticed that it wasn't a normal wooden arrow. Mine was some sort of black metal, based on Chaos energy. I saw him nodge to one of the other soldiers and quietly talk to him. The soldier nodded and they looked suspiciously over at the woods. I got the bow back on my back and jumped down from the branch.

"Who's there?" A camper shouted. I rolled my eyes and slowly began walking towards them. Though I didn't get very long until Delta yelled at me.

"Stay where you are!" He yelled and drew his sword, the same did the other soldiers. The campers and Chiron watched the scene. I stopped walking and looked at him, we were at least eight steps away from each other. "What are you doing here?" He looked me dead in the eyes, or well, he couldn't see my eyes so...

"Well I just wanted to say hi to my old pal." I smiled. I could literally see the smoke coming out of his ears, through his hood. The anger burned in his eyes.

"What are you doing here." He commanded. Did he think he was my commander now? No. He could only command around with his soldiers, not me. I looked behind them and saw the campers stare at us.

"Who are you?" Chiron asked. I smiled. I looked at him.

"I'm Zale, Chaos' private assassin." I introduced myself. A few campers widened their eyes, and I could hear Delta snort. "I have been sent here by Chaos himself." I said and glanced at Delta who looked pissed.

"So you're here because of the prophecy?" Chiron asked, and I nodded.

"We don't need you, Zale." Delta spoke. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Ever since I took the time stones right in front of him, he has held a grudge against me. Every time we've met, he has been a real dick. His teammates hated me too, but I don't think they hated me as much as Delta did. Delta truly despised me. And it was truly retaliated.

I smirked, "Oh I know that you don't need me, but they might do." I pointed towards Chiron and the campers. They watched us as we talked. Delta seemed furious but nodded as he turned around and began to walk back to his cabin. His teammates slowly followed him, glancing at me. I turned and looked at the campers and Chiron. I gave them a small grin, then began walking over to the woods, farest away from the Chaos' army's cabin.


Enjoy this chapter<3

-Leo <3

Do I Know You? - PJO fanfic - Chaos' Assassin storyWhere stories live. Discover now