Chapter 6

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Delta's POV

I kneeled in front of the silver throne with the rest of my team. We had been called in for the Gods knew what. For once I hadn't been told why or even gotten a hint, the only thing I got was 'Come to the throne room, it's an emergency'. And here I was, with the rest of my team all kneeling in front of the silver throne that belonged to Chaos the Creator of the Universe. I looked up at the Creator and stood up.

"You called?" I could already see now that he was pissed. Chaos hated when we bowed or kneeled in front of him, but we kept doing it because.. why not? We're demigods for Gods sake! Oop! You didn't hear that. Forget I ever said that. Just.. forget it!

"Yes I did, you are to go help Camp Halfblood down on Earth." He said and looked observant at us. I widened my eyes. He couldn't do that! We- I wasn't going back there!

"You can't just do that! You know of our pasts!" I said, irritation clear in my voice. He sighed, and I could hear Theta and Lambda quietly talk behind me.

"We have to help them. A war is coming and a new prophecy has been spoken." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What is this new prophecy?" Eta asked and stepped forward with a straight back as always.

Chaos breathed in,

"Heavens falls as old heroes embraces the truth

Two sides of the same assembles

With the past and the future in his hand

A decision shall be made

With a final breath, the Sky shall take a step"

This didn't sound good at all! "Heavens falls as old heroes embraces the truth"? That was clearly us! I mean the heroes from when we were alive are dead now, right? Ah Styx! We. Are. Not. Dead. Okay? Forget that too.

"You are to leave in an hour." Chaos announced and flashed out of the throne room. I turned to the team and they all looked shocked.

"What the Chaos just happened?" Epsilon asked, confused.

"I believe.. we should go pack," I said and looked at the throne, this was going to be.. interesting. We were going to Camp Halfblood to help with the upcoming war. The war Chaos had been talking about for centuries. Now it was finally happening and we were going to Camp Halfblood.

We walked out of the throne room and split up, going to each of our rooms. I opened the door to my room and walked in, the door closed behind me and I looked around in my room. My gray king size bed stood against the wall to the left on the opposite wall of the door I just walked in from. A closet was on my right and next to it there was a door that led to a bathroom. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a black duffle bag and began to fill it with clothes. It was only when I turned around to place the duffle bag on my bed I noticed the newly washed and folded uniforms on the bed. I put them in the bag too, I already had one on. The blue scarf on my uniform matched my eye color.

I grabbed my sword and turned it into a bracelet made out of a blue rope that matched my uniform, then I grabbed the duffle bag and flinged the bag over my shoulder and walked out of my room. I walked down the long hallway and opened the doors to the throne room again.

"Hey," Theta nodded and placed his bag on the floor. I walked over to him and placed the bag next to his.

"No one else is ready yet?" I looked around in the big throne room, my eyes meeting not a single soul.

"No, they're probably waiting for each other," he shrugged. I nodded. It was actually pretty funny, I wouldn't consider Theta for one being early, but I guess after last time he was late he won't be late again. We did after all paint his hair pink and changed his red kool aid out with cordial. He wasn't happy. I looked up when the doors to the throne room opened again and the rest of the team arrived.

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