Chapter 5

654 13 11

300 years later

Chaos' POV

I sighed and sat back down on the couch in the big living room and watched the big flat screen TV. It looked bad. The woman stood up, her eyes started to glow green and when she opened her mouth, green smoke appeared, and an old raspy voice began to speak.

"Heavens falls as old heroes embraces the truth

Two sides of the same assembles

With the past and the future in his hand

A decision shall be made

With a final breath, the Sky shall take a step"

The green smoke cleared out, and the woman fell backwards, two guys quickly caught her before she hit the floor. A man in a wheelchair rubbed his chin with a thoughtful look. The people around the table looked thoughtful too. Not knowing what the new spoken prophecy means.

I chuckled quietly for myself as I filled my mouth with popcorn. What? It's funny to watch them try to figure out the prophecy. I moved my attention back to the big flat screen TV.

"'Heavens falls as old heroes embraces the truth'." Chiron said. He looked over the council. "We'd have to think this over, unless you have an idea what this new prophecy means?" He looked at the girl and waited for an answer. She looked thoughtful then opened her mouth.

"I think.. It means that we," She gestured for the five people on one side of the table and herself. "That we'll face the truth, and.." She swallowed. "Give up on getting him back." She said, the dark haired guy next to her looked down, with a sad look over his face.

Chiron nodded. "Yes, that may be what it's about, but we'll never know." He looked deep in thought for a few moments until a girl with shoulder-length curly cinnamon brown hair spoke up.

"Is it just me, or does the prophecy seem... rushed?" She asked, and looked at the cabin counselors around the table.

"I don't know.." The dark haired guy said and looked confused.

I laughed from my place on the couch, God they were so ignorant! I took another fistful of popcorn and stuffed it in my mouth.

The people around the table all said in their own minds, thinking the prophecy over.

"Well.. if there is another part of it, we'll know soon." Clarisse said, a few people nodding including Chiron.

"Yes, I hope so." The girl with the brown hair said.

I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. I placed the empty bowl on the coffee table and leaned back on the couch, stretching my body. I had a really bad feeling with the prophecy. If I was right about the meaning of it... It could end fatal.

I got up from the couch and walked into the throneroom where I called for a meeting between the primordials. Yes, we still had contact. I sat down on my big silver throne and waited for the primordials to arrive. As each of them arrived a throne that resembled them appeared. To my right, my brother Order sat on his gold throne and looked at his nails. To my left Tartarus sat on his black throne with gold dust on, next to him Gaea was on her Earth throne, then Erebus was on his mist throne, to Order's right Aither sat on his throne of air and light, next to him Akhlys sat on a stone throne with a black liquid running down the armrests. Next to him Nyx sat on her throne of night decorated with stars, and next to her a sky blue throne with clouds was, but no one was sitting in it.

"Why did you call for a meeting, Chaos?" Gaea asked and looked at me, her beautiful green eyes looking into mine.

"If you haven't heard it, there's a new prophecy that's been spoken." I answered her and looked over everyone's faces. "And it doesn't sound good." A few clenched their jaws, and some of them looked down.

"What does this new prophecy sound like?" Nyx asked, her black hair laying perfectly down her shoulders. For once, you could actually see her face, but it was only when she was in the throne room.

"Heavens falls as old heroes embraces the truth

Two sides of the same assembles

With the past and the future in his hand

A decision shall be made

With a final breath, the Sky shall take a step" I quoted. Gaea immediately paled, some of the others looked quite nervous. "I wanted to ask you all if now was the time to send the Soldiers down to Earth?" I looked around at their faces.

Order nodded. "Yes, I believe that now is a good time to send them down." I nodded.

"Yes, I agree." Tartarus broke in. The rest of the council agreed on that too, and I smiled and clapped my hands.

"Well then.. What are we waiting for? Let's send the Heroes to Earth!" I said, with a wide smile.


Hello, first of all I have one thing to say; I'm sorry. I'm sorry I haven't been that active or updated on this story. There has been some family issues and stuff, and then school. But it's all fine now! And I've also been stuck on writing, I didn't know how to write my thoughts down, but now I've written another chapter.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and there will probably be more often updates on this book.

Have an amazing Easter and Sunday <3


Do I Know You? - PJO fanfic - Chaos' Assassin storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant