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Marry pov :

As we entered the building, warmth filled me, I looked around the walls, covered with the wallpaper.

'I'll take it on from here," A man stood before me, Wearing a grey suite, he had a stick the color of wooden brown it was finely polished. The four left me with the man.

"Master Lin," He said his name. It wasn't like the way the others had said theirs. He must have owned the school.

"Welcome to kings dominion, Mary, you must be." I nodded at what he said.

"Yes sir.. How do you know me? And why have you brought me here?" I questioned him.

"We, know you, you stay around on the streets, you can fight with tactics, and skills. Why just learn that much? I can teach you the secrets of the dark arts, You can have the worlds power, do anything you want. Find your people get to know them, And join them in their competitions against others. Here, this is your uniform," Master Lin, this guy was soooo convincing, i took the uniform, it was in a brown brief case with a bitt of gold designs engraved in it. On the top it had a logo, it must have been the schools logo, Under it read : Kings dominion, and on top of the logo was my Name : Marry.

When I looked up the man was gone. I walked straight following the passage, as I passed many doors, At this moment I was confused. Behind me I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Maria, With two  other guys behind her. I recognized that they were not the same guys from before.

"Marry, This is Chico," She pointed to one of the guys, He was tall, and had tattoos all over, he was well built.  

"And this is Juan," She indicated to the other guy. He was also tall, and had tattoos but not sooo many. 

"Hi," I said to them. Juan smiled back while Chico just nodded.

"You can run with us, We are Soto Voto, And Chico is the leader," I smiled back at Maria, who had just stated for me to come join them.

"Sure" I replied. Chico looked at me for a while.

"Maria, you said the she was a skilled fighter? And she has a brother?" He questioned Maria. At that moment I realized I had forgotten Marcus. But i could go find him later, he knew how to look after himself.

"Yes indeed she is highly talented when it comes to fighting, She is good with murder skills to, developed from her older brother Whos name should be Marcus." While she answered Chico I couldn't help feel like I was about to be attacked. In the corner of my eye, I saw a silver star coming right at me, I caught it within my thumb and index finger. Before searching to see where it came from, I saw A group of girls holding more of the same stars, They smirked at me. I returned them the favor by throwing it back just to catch one of the girls right by her knee.

I turned my attention back to Chico, Maria, and Juan, who seem to have been impressed by that.

"Welcome to Soto Voto, " Chico said clearly amazed. Which left me quite confused.

"Thanks," I replied. Just them Maria spoke up.

"Come, I'll show you to the room, you share it with me. Once you jet changed and freshened up, I will show you around the place, Rules they are not that many though, and introduce you to some people." I smiled back at her. 

We took off with our walk leaving behind Chico and Juan, who seemed to have been getting onto a conversation. It looked pretty important. 

We walked for a while before turning into A corridor, that lead to rooms. Maria opened one of the doors. The room it revealed was really pretty, Its walls were well decorated, on one side I could see some pictures of Maria beside her bed. That meant that the other bed was meant for me.

------30mins later-------

I was just from taking a warm shower. When Maria told me that it was dinner time. She had also said that I would sit with her and the Soto Votos.

As I walked down the passage ways, I felt a hand on my shoulder, which made me turn around immediately, just to see Billy standing behind me.

"Saw you with Chico earlier, Thought you should know, His people and him are number uno (one) on campus. Might want to stay away from them, The whole of Soto Voto, Come join me with the Rats perhaps?" Billy said. I frowned at him immediately. Before replying to him.

"And? I already have joined in on Soto Voto, What will you do about it? Plus if i want to make them my friends i will, and I can, so back off and dont tell me what to do," I frowned to him. 

Turning around on my heels to leave. I heard A voice That i recognized to be Master Lin, H e was saying something to Billy, but the only thing I got was : Well done for pissing her, now you have woken up the snake that was put to sleep years ago, Be ready for world war 3.

What was that  supposed to mean? Which snake? World war 3? Snake sleeping years ago? I was really confussed.

Ignoring everything, I walked into the dinning cafeteria, Just to be welcomed by Chico, who seemed to have been waiting for me.

"Hola, ¿dónde has estado?llo, ¿dónde has estado?" Chico questioned me. (Hello, where have you been?) 

Well knowing how to speak spanish I replied to him.

"Tuve que lidiar con alguien, sin preocupaciones. ¿Me estabas esperando?" I replied. (Had to deal with someone, no worries though. Were you waiting for me?)

"Indeed I was, Lets go?" He asked. I nodded with a small smile present on my face. We walked over to the rest of the Soto Votos.

"Uhhh....Chico? Can we talk real quick?" Asked Juan, he seemed confused and nervous.

"Yh compa, lets go," Replied Chico as they left. 

I took a seat next to Maria. She looked at me before asking

"What do you think they are going to talk about?"

"Um..To be honest not sure, But Juan looked confused, and a bit nervous too,"

"Thats not like him, Must be something important,"

"Probably, What do you mean its not like him?"

"Usually, he is confident and all,"

Just then The two returned, now even Chico was shocked not to mention the surprised look on his face.

"Chico, Juan what wrong?" Questioned Maria.

"Uhhhhhh....Talk later? Yh?" Chico replied

This was strange. What was wrong with Chico? And Juan?


Part 3 soon!

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