Hunter x He! Reader

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It happened, for a reason


!Hollow Mind Episode Spoiler!

Long Oneshot

It is finally the brink of dusk, quickly you gathered up the materials you needed. Then a sudden knock was heard from your door frame, you turned your head to see your master, Darius. 

He's currently one of the coven leaders working for Emperor Bellos but as for now recently Darius officially announced you to be the one who'll step in his place, one day.

"Hurry up, (y/n). Raine will be here at any moment" Darius said handing you your coat.

Your gaze shifted to look at the coat before taking it, "This...will help Hunter...right?" you ask in a worried tone.

"Yes, it will. Just follow our lead and your little prince will be safe and sound", Darius answered as he pulled up his hood. You finally wore your coat but still this unsteady feeling kept bothering you.

A knock came in to the door and the both of you went to check, Darius opened the door revealing Raine and Eberwolf.

"Shall we go?" Darius ask with a smirk and all agreed. Everyone headed to the night market in Latissa, surely you were quite confused to why should the process into getting in Bellos' mind should be in a crowded place.

The four of you hastily went to the location quite a bit far from the market, in a building Eberwolf started to draw a magic glyph on the floor. Then Raine took out his flute to activate the circle whilst Darius started to make the potion.

He then placed it at the center ready to smash it, then before he could Hunter jumped in out of no where from behind and that caught you off guard. 

"Halt! Doing crimes against the Emperor, you're all under arrest!" He yells. 

You quickly turn your head to Darius and that's when you realize it. But before he could all stop you "Hunter!" Luz yells before she pounced onto Hunter from behind, "Hey! Can I buy you a few questions?" Luz asks.


And Raine took the opportunity and started playing his flute to give us all access to escape. "Stop! I forbid you to flee!" He yells as you went to take cover outside behind the boxes, "(Y/n)! What are you doing? Let's go!" Darius whisper yells at you grabbing your arm as you could feel your legs slump.

"No.." You answer lowering your head, "What? Are you crazy? He'll catch you!" He said angrily. 

"I'm not leaving Hunter like that! Do your plan without me and...if you're worried if I'll call you all out for entering the Emperor's mind. I won't tell anyone.." You said in a assuring voice, still your master looked at you in disbelief.

"I'll even bet to cut both of my hands off.." You continued.

"Argh, I don't know what do you see in him but he's clearly making you a fool" He scoffs.

"You'll still let me stay in your house right--" You ask jokingly and he lets out a irritated sigh, "You'll hear a bunch of lectures from me, you insolent boy" He said walking away.

After he left you immediately got out from your hiding place, then you quickly rushed back to the area but before you could stop them from doing anything funny with the spell. You already saw Hunter stomped on the flask.

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