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Just growing with the flow


Pt. 3 of Fairytale

You quietly sat on the floor holding the mirror after turning it around, the shock you felt was still stuck into you. 

"Calm down, (y/n). You're good" You murmur to yourself trailing off with a laugh, you slowly get up and face the window still feeling dumb founded.

You slowly grabbed onto your shoulder, the sensation of a coat covering you still remains 'You might get cold', that phase still echoes through your head. Still you end up wondering why such a dream you had before going here remains.

You wanted answers; why did you see the golden guard in the mirror, whose voice that kept echoing through your head and who owns this longing feelings that you feel. You turn back to the mirror and flipped it once again, nervous. 

You scanned the mirror but it was only your reflection that you see, "Oh you got to be kidding me!" You said irritated and stomped your way out of the room.

As you get out of the room, you stopped in your tracks and peeked through the door to look at the mirror to check if the reflection changed, but it didn't at all.

You let out a sigh, feeling once again defeated. but before you leave, you took a last peek at the mirror. Still it didn't do anything and you went on your way.

You went all through the day waiting for the mirror to shift again but it didn't. Still you sat in front of the mirror waiting and waiting, "Can't it just reveal itself again?" You ask to yourself reaching your hand out to touch the mirror.

Then the reflection started to shift to a different room, the exact room you wanted to see for a long time.

You kept your eyes locked into the mirror as you rise up from your seat, moving yourself closer then there the door opened revealing the golden guard, he looked at you surprised whilst you didn't break eye contact this time.

He then came closer to the mirror looking at you, "Took you such a long time to finally come back" he said as you hear his voice.

" are you so calm about this?" You ask worriedly.

"Should I say, "we've" been in the same spot when we first met?".

"Same spot..?" you repeat.

"How long have you known about this?" You ask, curious. "Too long that it almost felt so unbearable" He answered.

"Can I ask you a question..?" He asks and you nodded quietly.

"Do you...still want to keep in touch with me?" he asks, you've thought about it all day knowing he'll ask you about it so you nodded.

"While we're at that how about you tell me about the things you experienced with me before I actually get here" You happily suggest. And he just nodded forming a small smile, "Where would you like us to meet?" You ask.

He stopped to think about it and looked back at you, "Any where you are comfortable with" He answers.

You took his answer surprised and felt a little fuzzy feeling, "Oh--sure! How about at the beach if it's alright?" You said flustered.

"I'm alright with that, well then see you tomorrow" He responds back.


The day finally came, you went to the beach after you just escaped from the people in the owl house. Surely meeting up with the golden guard that took over Lilith's position would upset her if she knew.

You sat down at a boulder waiting for the certain someone, looking back at your conversation yesterday. It already seemed like he was waiting for you for a very long time and the only thing that got you here was your curiosity.

Moments later, you heard a sound of foot steps behind you. 

"You're early" a voice said, as you turn your head to look at the person. "And you're finally here" You respond back with a smile.

He sat down next to you as the sound of the splashing waves hover over, "Beautiful isn't it?" you began.

"It feels therapeutic as well if you ask me" He responded softening his gaze at the waves, the two of you began talking about the things that happened before you met. 

You two had laughs and recollecting from the events that occurred between the two of you, whilst talking you held your shoes and started walking by the shore and he followed you from behind still talking about he felt and what he thought.

Your conversation became fruitful like the waters that gushes through your feet as you walked by the shore.

After a few more walk, he finally caught up by your side talking. 

"I was really scared when it happened to be honest", he said trailing it with a small laugh.

"Telling from how you talk about it, which one did you prefer? The me in that you met in your dream or the real me listening to you?" You ask out of the blue.

He stopped walking and looked at you in the eye quite surprised, you stopped in front of him tilting you head a little. 

"You...I'll always choose you, may it be a dream or not".

Your gaze slowly softens as your lips form a smile, "That answer, means a lot for me" You respond.

"I'm glad...because I never stopped thinking about you ever since we first met."

A/N: Hello~ my dear lovely readers, I apologize for the long update. I have been quite busy lately but i assure you that updates would be back daily on Mondays, have a great day! ^^

Also! I like Hunter's new outfit, it really suit him so muchhh (ᗒᗨᗕ)

Also! I like Hunter's new outfit, it really suit him so muchhh (ᗒᗨᗕ)

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