You are my Sunshine

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Hunter's POV

I tightly held on the (t/f)/(type of flower) bouquet, that (y/n) loves the most when I bring her one on our dates, I flied to the big tree where we always see each other and hang out with friends.

She's usually there in the middle of the day reading a book under the tree as the sun softly touches her (s/c) skin and the cool air comforting her as she reads.

I finally arrived the tree releasing Lil' Rascal from being a staff and placed him at my shoulder, I looked around and started humming a song that she used to sing to me.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

I slowly went up to the tree and sat there still holding the bouquet, just by sitting here reminds me the times we used to had, giggling and talking random stuffs that pops out of our heads.

You make me happy when skies are grey.

I've always longed for your comfort and presence every time I really get sad about something and I will do the same as you did for me.

"I really miss you..(y/n)" I whisper then my eyes suddenly started to sting and tears formed in my eyes, I looked from a far letting my tears fall from my eyes.

You'll never know dear, how much I love you.

I turned to my side and finally faced her grave, "You're so careless of everyone's feelings you dumb girl" I remarked placing the bouquet in front of her tombstone along with other flowers placed on there.

"Hah, leaving me here alone? How selfish of you" I taunted as I went back to lay my back on the tree, I still couldn't stop the tears coming out of my eyes.

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping.

I really can't just easily forget her don't I? These bitter tears just keep coming out everytime I think of you, I'm really devastated and in great agony of pain stabbing in my chest.

This place feels so empty without you, I should have saved you from that stupid decision of yours in that day. You have always told me you're excited to go home to the Human Realm with Luz.

I dreamed I held you in my arms.



"Hunter! Hurry up!" The voice calls as I felt myself get pulled by the arm, then I slowly opened my eyes to see (y/n) pulling me forward to the tree, I looked at her rather surprised and happy.

She looks like a box full of energy and comfort as always, I stopped walking then so as she did that she had to turn around to look at me.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

Then I didn't thought about it but I pulled her in to a embrace, it felt so real that I hugged her real tight but then a light blinded me that it forced me to close my eyes.

Once I opened it again, I only saw the pillow i'm hugging and felt something wet on my cheeks again. I let out a sigh and faced the ceiling.

When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken.

"You're really gonna make me cry a lake (y/n)....I hate you" I murmur as I started crying again.


It was the battle between the Emperor's group and Luz's group, I didn't thought much but I sided with Luz just for (y/n). At that time Emperor Bellos planted bombs around the place without us realizing.

We almost had defeated Emperor Bellos but he gladly threaten us with his bombs and that's when she made the biggest mistake she have ever done or did she not?.

Without any exact plan (y/n) just carelessly charged Emperor Bellos to take the button to activate the bombs, thats when she did got the button from him and tossed the button away.

He then used his power as much to form a large blast to hit the soul out of (y/n) as Emperor Bellos fell from his impending death in the cracks that he formed in the castle.

It all went so fast that I couldn't move my feet at that moment, my feet were so heavy as if i got chained. That's when I felt a push in my back that I ran towards (y/n).

I immediately knelt down holding (y/n) who was breathing heavily still keeping her eyes open. "Don't! Don't close your eyes! Please! We'll get you to help I promise!" I yell panicked as tears formed in my eyes.

Then she lifted her hand up to cup the side of my face. "H-Hunter, I'm sorry" she whispers. "No! No! I won't forgive you if you leave me like this, I don't know what I will do without you" I cried.

"D-don't worry, I will always meet you at the tree" she said in a raspy voice as she lifted her head up to kiss my cheek and there she passed away in my arms.

*end of flashback*

So I hung my head and cried.

I lifted my hands to cover my face as I cried "Please don't take my sunshine away" I sang sadly wiping my tears away.

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