"We just received news that someone in the royal family of Athador has contracted the virus and is staying in a separate wing at Wessam Castle; however, we are not aware who it is yet and who else is infected."

Harry's mouth opened wide.

"We're toast; if the royal family can get it, what's the hope for us then?"

"That's why we should always be on our guard; have you taken your medicine for the pain?"

"Yes, mom, I –" he said and glared at Jenna's questioning face.

"Okay, mom, I never took my mask off, and I don't have a fever."

"-You were at a hospital; oh no, I must keep a close eye on Paul's health too."

"Mom, you are overreacting; we are fine."

"Well, the virus takes time to detect; you can get it, transfer it to your family members, and you would not even grasp it until it's too late."

"Seriously," Harry huffed, "You two watch the news; I'm going upstairs."

Harper rolled her eyes.

Keeping quiet is better than interfering in an anxious mother and bratty son's banter.

They watched the entire evening news: more travel bans for foreign countries, compulsory fifteen days of quarantine in some other places, and the weather forecast predicted tomorrow to be sunny with the lowest humidity.

Shaking her head, she complained, "When we have to go out, it rains; when we have to stay at home, it's always sunny; this is unfair."

Jenna shrugged and reminded, "At least the clothes are drying, not that you all have many dirty clothes, and Paul, Harry, and you are barely taking showers and changing outfits; what is going wrong with you all?"

Harper lifted her T-shirt's collar and sniffed.

Oh, dear!

She needed a shower and freshly scented clothes as soon as possible.

"This one will be in the laundry basket later, I promise."

"I've noticed; three days at home, you are already turning into a second version of your brother when you've always been the disciplined one of the two."

"I am."

"Waking up at eleven is not considered responsible, young lady."

Harper scoffed. "This is not your school, mom, do not turn everything into a boring lecture; maybe that's why Harry dislikes spending time with us."

"Oh, I'm sorry, educating my kids' manners and good habits have become boring lectures now; I did not expect this from you."

Harper stayed quiet while something that Layla had sent came to mind.

Lockdown will turn you into a bad girl Harp lol.

Her bright friend made sense even when the contexts were different.

Jenna turned the television off, closed the windows, double-checked the knobs, and pulled the curtains while Harper switched all the downstairs lights off, grabbed her room-temperature yogurt with a spoon, and returned to her room.

An email from Mrs. Tracey, her tuition teacher, popped up on her phone.

"You got to be kidding me; how insensitive can she be?" She shouted.

She read it all, nose wrinkled and lips loose of the lack of empathy from her teacher, who is probably worrying about her salary. Sighing, Harper put her phone down and removed every item from her desk table, most of which were chocolate wrappers from her Harry Potter movie marathon during the day.

She threw the trash in the downstairs bin and wiped every surface with a dry cloth after spraying a sanitizing agent, including her laptop screen. All the unimportant books went back into the drawers and shelves except for the current novel.

Grabbing the book, she promised, "I'll focus more on you after tuition; mom will not taunt me then."

Last but not least, she placed her math book, tuition notebook, calculator, stationery, and laptop back, setting everything clean for tomorrow. Harper put an alarm at once and headed to the bathroom, where she took a long scented shower.

By the time she twisted the tap, the enclosure filled with steam. She blow-dried her hair and applied all her night creams. Turning the cozy dim lamp on, Harper climbed into bed with the novel. She's not sleepy yet, and coffee is always there to help her in the morning.

More excuses for her newfound habits

After covering her legs with the duvet, she pulled the bookmark out. About twenty pages in, engrossed in the plot of the star-crossed lovers, a whimsical tune from guitar chords broke the lull and reached her ears. She listened. It cannot be coming from Harry's stereo system. He listens to loud music and rap.

Standing by the half-opened window, she peeked. The street is silent as usual, except the tune came from the opposite house.

The flimsy and light curtain slid apart in the gentle night breeze. Harper's lips parted. Back straightened, she watched in awe. Steve sat on a chair pushed further from the dining table, a guitar in his hands. His head and upper body moved as he immersed himself in the enchanting melody. Strumming and pulling the steel strings, he played like no one's watching, divinely delivering his heart and soul.

Harper sighed. She leaned her head against part of the window and admired the musician from the shadow as the tunes crossed her threshold. This boy is gifted. He is none like she has ever encountered before. Kind and talented are to name a few of his virtues.

A light breeze caressed her skin. Her eyes closed, and her ears focused better on the change in tune. It was a popular movie theme. Her brain processed to figure out the name. She gave up soon and listened. Soothing and pleasing as it can be, it took some worries about the startling future.

A few drops of water on her face opened her eyes at once. Harper shut the window and stepped back. Soon enough, it poured like daggers from the sky. Even from the balcony door, the view dimmed though she caught his red T-shirt when he closed the window and pulled the curtains.

Harper switched the light off and laid her head on the pillow. She thought of him again.

He is a nice person. She is a coward.

She turned to the left and frowned.

"It's not hard to ask for his phone number, Harper. He is a good boy. He plays guitar like a pro, unlike Harry or anyone else at school who loves blasting rap music," she mumbled and stiffened upon hearing someone walk in the corridor.

Tap water ran, and whoever it was returned to the bedroom, slamming the door. It's either Harry or her dad.

Harper breathed in and out, a little spooked. Despite the loud rainfall, she closed her eyes, hoping to catch on a good sleep before the resume of tuition.

 Despite the loud rainfall, she closed her eyes, hoping to catch on a good sleep before the resume of tuition

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