Channie Centric;

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Too good at goodbyes


Seven men clad in black clothing can be seen exiting a church.

These men were the remaining members of the popular kpop group Stray Kids.

A week ago today the young group lost their faithful leader.

Two days ago the cause of death was confirmed to be suicide.

The company JYP posted the goodbye letters he gave to each of the members.

The members individually tweeted out their responses to show their love.

We will now show these letters on the screen in age order.

Starting with Bang Chan's first letter to second oldest Lee Minho.

'Minho my younger brother Minho. Please be strong for the kids they need you. I was not strong enough I couldn't be there for them. So please take my place as the leader of Stray Kids and continue to guide everyone to success. I believe in you. When I first met you, you were a scared little boy placed in a new environment where you had to learn the customs, rules, and disciplines of this environment. But like the reliable person you are you overcame the obstacles in your way and grew into the strong, responsible, respectful, honorable man you are today. As the second oldest you are my safe place. After my only hyung left the group you were the one to pick me up. I still remember the conversation. We were sitting in the studio where you had found me crying and when i tried to hide my feelings from you you didn't let me. You forced me to say the things that were hard to say. You've always had that about you you've always helped people be honest with themselves. Through all the years we were together you never let me lie to myself or you. You were the closest in age to me so our connection was always there. Our late night talks will forever resonate with my soul. I'm forever indebted to you. Please take care of the kids. I love you so much Min.

Love Your only Hyung,

~ Bang Chan

The next letter is to Seo Changbin.

My racha brother. Changbin. Thank you. You've always pushed me to do more. You helped me accomplish more things than I ever dreamed of. You've been with me since the beginning. You lit a flame under me that ignited the potential you saw. You tend to do that to people. You always make sure everyone is doing their best and trying their hardest before you are. You've always been like that. It's just who you are. You tone up a room when you walk in it. For such a small person your presence commands attention like a whistle. Since the first day I met you you've had my attention. The day me you and Jisung sat down and produced our first track is still one of my core memories. I'll never forget the smiles on your guys faces when we got approved. We've spent many sleepless nights together, many laughs, many memorable moments. You never let me talk myself down. You always would say "hyung don't talk about yourself like that you'll shrink." and i think your right I measured myself and I'm shorter now haha. Thank you Changbin. Without you I may have never been able to make my dream come true. Love you.

Love your racha leader,


Next letter is to Hwang Hyunjin.

'Ah Hyunjin~ssi. Please please please don't listen to the people who will try to drag you down. I mean I did and look at me. This is definitely a do as I say not as I do moment. We talked about you struggling with listening to antis too much. Always remember what I told you okay? You are loved. Stray kids love you. Sure you've made some mistakes in the past but you've worked hard to be where you are now. So don't listen to the people who don't know what you've gone through. Listen to the people who know you and care for you. I had a conversation with Changbin about you. It was right before you publicly announced your hiatus but we had all known. He talked about how much he was gonna miss having his tall bestie around and how he was worried that you would listen to the people trying to drag you down. That's why I had that conversation with you. Because Binnie asked me to. I told him one day "If anything ever happened to Hyunjin and I wasn't here I need you to step in and be the hyung he needs." he immediately agreed. So now if you ever need anything go to Binnie he knows how to take care of you he promised me. Thank you Hyunjin. You brought out a side of me that I didn't even know existed. You pushed me out of my visual shell and forced this old man to get with the times. Thank you. Love you Jinnie.

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