Chapter 9 - Trial by Error

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???'s POV

"Fate, you have been found guilty of mistreating your multiverse. How do you defend this statement?"

"Not guilty!"

A figure could be seen, bound in chains, kneeling before a judge's pedestal. Seated on the pedestal were five more figures, all dressed in robes signifying that of importance.

A powerful aura could be felt all throughout the room.

Now, if one is wondering what is currently happening, Fate, the ruling deity over Error's old multiverse, was on trial, held by the Council. Standing in the shadows, Destiny was overseeing the whole ordeal, making sure their sibling got the right punishment.

"The evidence says otherwise. Therefore, you are sentenced with a RESET."

Fate's eyes widened with fear and began struggling even harder against their chains. The floor beneath them began emitting a ghostly glow, eventually brightening into a blinding light show.

Destiny covered their eyes, blinded by the beams. Once the light faded, the deity laid their eyes on where Fate once stood. Instead of a screaming deity, a small bundle of blankets lay on the floor.

"Destiny, you may pick up the bundle."

Carefully stepping forward, the god gingerly picked up the package. Gently peeling back the clothe, Destiny was shocked beyond belief to be met with a small toddler, emitting a powerful aura. Glancing at the Council head with confusion, their questions were soon answered.

"Fate has been reverted back to a child-like state and has had their memory erased. Your new job is to care for them and make sure they follow the right path. The child shall be fully grown in one week. Use it wisely."

The deity bowed low, keeping in mind the toddler in their hands, still shocked from the whole ordeal. As they exited, Destiny whispered to the child.

"I will raise them to the best of my ability."

Ink's POV

Meanwhile, in Error's old multiverse, a shudder went throughout the AUs. Only a few could feel the occurrence. One of those was Ink, the creator. Once he felt the shudder, he knew that a shift in power had occurred.

Just moments after the shaking passed, Ink felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his soul, even though he had none.

The artist felt as though he could create anything, however that was soon short-lived. Out of nowhere, pain shot through his bones, forcing him to one knee.

It took all his might to not scream. Eventually, the pain faded to a dull throb and Ink collapsed to the floor of the Doodlesphere. Nothing about the creator's physical property seemed to have changed. However, a faint glow could be seen in his rib cage. It seems Destiny gave the artist a gift.


Error's POV

Back with Error, he was currently sitting in the kitchen area of Azure's house, facing Encre. Paperjam and Gradient were sitting on his lap.

If he had hair, it would have been all gone from the ex-god tearing it out. Of course, you couldn't really blame him, as the look-a-like of his arch-nemesis was literally in the chair across from him! Meanwhile, Azure was in the kitchen, brewing some stew. A few more minutes passed by before Error was compelled by the awkward silence to speak up.

"So. . . you like art?"

The skeleton didn't answer, only staring, so Error returned the gesture. Soon the staring contest came to an end once Azure reentered the room, bowls in hand.

"Alright, guys. The soup is finished, so eat up!"

At his words, the black skeleton shifted uncomfortably in his seat. The reason why was because he had eaten a few days ago, and he wouldn't be able to eat again this soon.

As the bowl was set in front of him, Error couldn't think of any excuses.

Thankfully, an opportunity was opened up by none other than Gradient and Paperjam. The two were beginning to get nervous being around the newer skeletons. Their nervousness caused them to begin to squirm around and tighten their grip on their toys. The sudden movement caused Error's bowl of soup to get knocked to the floor.

The sudden mess caused Encre and Azure to stare at the family, spoons halfway to their mouths.

Taking the opening, Error booked it with Paperjam and Gradient following close behind, so sudden that they nearly lost their grip on the toys. Just as he was leaving the house, he could hear Azure shout from behind.

"Wait, come back!"

His cries fell on deaf 'ears', as Error sprinted into the nearby woods. Risking a quick glance behind, the black skeleton caught sight of Azure giving chase.

Error turned back to the front just in time to run square into a tall, boney(?), structure.

The force of the impact caused the god to be knocked back onto his boney butt. Looking up at the cause of his fall, Error immediately recognized the king of vampires. 'Sh*t!' was all he could think to say as Fallacy towered over him and his family.

Just as he heard Azure coming up from behind, the vampire king scooped the family into his arms and vanished, just as the guard arrived at the scene.

Just as he heard Azure coming up from behind, the vampire king scooped the family into his arms and vanished, just as the guard arrived at the scene

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A/N - Hello everyone, I'm very sorry I did not update sooner but things have been hectic with the school year coming to an end. Hopefully I will be able to do weekly updates during summer.

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