Chapter 4 - Regrets

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Error's POV

As Paperjam and Gradient slept the night away, Error worked to repair his new shop. Since he did not need to eat or sleep, courtesy of Fate's influence, Error could work the night away with not a lot of breaks. 

Once or twice, the young babybones awoke due to a nightmare or something like that. Error would just calm them down, song a tune, and the child would go back to sleep. 

Occasionally in the night, Error would hear the villagers fighting with other creatures. The most common are werewolves and vampires. Just as the sun began to peek over the horizon, Error looked through the window to see dozens of piles of monster dust, scattering in the breeze.

Looking at the dust as it danced and twisted in the wind, memories of his years destroying began to creep into Error's thoughts. Guilt began to rise in his chest, hard and heavy over the area where his soul would be. Leaning against a nearby wall, Error slid to his knees and tried to calm his breathing.

From the memories that arose, Error could hear the screams of the countless number of monsters that he had slaughtered over the eons. Being alive longer than all the Aus put together, Error had a vast memory, most of which, was full of pain and suffering.

Occasionally, he would sometimes slaughter Aus full of children. But worst of all was the Aus that thanked him. 

Aus that contained monsters who were in pain, such as Flowerfell, occasionally Underfell, and once a Littletale Au. When Error slaughtered them, the monsters would sometimes thank him. Although faint, he could hear the words very clearly, even to this day.

"Thank you, for setting us free." Those were the words spoken to him most often. Once, when a little child, a bunny monster no older than 5, said to him, "Thank you." That sentence alone was enough to break a monster's soul thousands of times over. A child, no matter the species, should thank their killer for murdering them. 

Finally, after a few hours, Error was able to calm down his heart rate back down to normal and raised his head. Hissing at the slight pain, Error hauled himself to his feet. Soon, the shifting of the bed in the next room caught his attention.

Walking on over, Error could see his children starting to wake up. Gradient was the first and Paperjam was soon to follow.

As he greeted them, one thought ran through Error's mind. "At least I have my children. Dead or alive, I won't let anything happen to them." Soon a knock on the door caught his attention. Standing up, Error walked over to the door and opened it.

The old cat monster from last night was there, and in his arms was a large-ish basket full of different types of fabrics. "Hello", he said. "I happened to have some old fabric in my attic and thought you would like them." Error just nodded, said his thanks, and took the basket from the old cat's arms. 

Closing the door behind him, Error set the basket on a nearby table and began to make breakfast. Even though he may not need to eat, Paperjam and Gradient definitely needed to have food to be healthy. 

~In the Original! Multiverse~

Ink's POV

Ink was feeling very upset. Ever since Error fell into the void, something seemed to be happening all around them.

The multiverse began to have strange episodes of self-destructing, almost as if it could sense that Error was no longer with them. The bad sanses seemed to have completely stopped their raids on different Aus.

It was almost as if without Error, everyone and everything seemed off, which did make sense. the destroyer was known for being merciless and chaotic, yet he never showed any signs of that during the ambush. Even worse was the fact that two children had also doomed themselves to the void by jumping in after Error.

What confused everyone the most was that they called the skeleton, "Mama." It confused everyone that had been present. And as if they didn't have enough confusion and guilt, the support system Error had created was discovered.

It had surprised everyone that the destroyer, someone who was said to be soulless in all his doings, had hidden something he made for good.

However, one small thing seemed to be the most confusing. Ink was feeling things. Sure he could feel with the help of his vials, but now he was starting to feel small things, like guilt, confusion, and sadness. 

That was not supposed to be possible, as Ink had no soul, yet here he was, sitting in his room staring off into space. Could Error have caused something to happen? If so, what did he do? All these questions were running around in Ink's head, causing him a massive headache. Sighing for the hundredth time that day, Ink shifted to a more comfortable position on his bed.

"I think something must be missing from the massive puzzle that makes up Error's secrets. But what?" he thought. "What can I do to make things right?" Ink thought. As that question repeated again and again in his mind, the creator drifted off to sleep.

???'s POV

??? looked as their 'favorite child' slept on the colorful bed in his room. People may think that they actually care for Ink, but it was the exact opposite. 

??? could care less about him. To ???, the multiverse they ruled over was nothing more than an entertaining game to play about in. Everyone in it was their toy and doll to manipulate. Even with their favorite toy now out of reach, ??? could still find ways to entertain themselves.

However, what ??? didn't know was that Destiny had a plan to go against them. If they could prove that ??? was guilty of multiverse neglect, then they would be given full reign over ????'s multiverse. If was time for the bad deity to be removed and let the right ones take over. ???'s position would be given to another to become the new FATE.

A/N - Hello y'all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you all think of Ink's 'parent' so far? Not a great caretaker, huh? Also, if you want to vote for a ship, go to the prologue to do so. 

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