Chapter 15

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I was lucky I got hurt so late in. I'm not sure if I would habe been able to make it to the end with all the sand around without getting my wound infected.

I rarely cross any monsters while continuing and finding the key to the big door is simpler than the other two as well. I wonder if it's a coinsidence...

Before heading in to where Ghirahim will wait I sit down on the ground and rest against the wall for a bit. My wound really worns me out. I will have to treat it properly once I'm back in Skyloft.

For now I drink some of my potion and reaply the bloody bandage. Atleast it stopped bleeding. I wouldn't want Ghirahim to mess around with my wound again like back at the Lumpy Pumkin. Just thinking about it makes my leg sting with pain.

I shake my head and put my tunic back on, hoping it will hide my wound atleast a little so he doesn't notice it...

I unlock the door and take a deep breath before opening it and head inside.

Ghirahim is definitly in here... I can feel his eyes on me but where is he? I look around with my hand on my sword, ready to draw it if I'm being attacked.

"Show yourself! I know you were watching me the entire time!"

I call out to him but silence. Is he trying to attack me? Or is he... hesitating because he also doesn't want all of this?

The sound of his footsteps behind me make me spin around immediatly. He stands with some distance to me.

"Hello, sky child."

He wears his usal evil smile on his sexy face making my heart skip a beat. I shake my head and look straight at him. He doesn't have a weapon at him. Does that mean...?

I take my hand slowly away from my sword, not breaking eye contact. Then he chuckles.

"Your mesmorising eyes looking so deep into mine, sky child..."

He slowly walks towards me, licking his lips seductivly. I must be a fool to just stand still but his eyes keep me locked in place...

"So full of... longing... desire... for me..."

Once he's infront of me, he lifts his hand and rests it on my cheek. I blush at the sudden touch and look down.

He chuckles again and lifts my chin with the other hand.

"Sky child. Look at me."

His face is so close to mine, I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest. He leans in to me but stops right before our lips touch.


He steps away from me and turns around.

"I... I'm sorry, sky child... I shouldn't have done this..."

" don't apologize... Ghirahim... please... let's talk..."

He turns back to me, putting his hand on my cheek again with a sad smile.

"My name from your lips sounds so enchanting... I'm so sorry to do this, sky child..."

I smile back at him, blushing a little but he takes steps back again and snaps his fingers. In his hand appears his black sword and I look at him with wide eyes, stumbling backwards onto the ground.

" please..."

His smile at me is full of pain as he points his sword at me.

"Get up, sky child... I don't want to kill you without a fight."

My body is shaking from fear. I don't want this... and I see he doesn't want it too so why?!

"Please, Ghirahim! We... we don't have to-!"

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