Chapter 16

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Back in the sky, I decide to rest for now so my arm can fully heal. So I call Crimson and head to the Lumpy Pumkin.

"Hey, Pumm. The usall please and this for later."

I put an empty bottle on the counter and head outside to sit down in the grass. Crimson snuggles into my side.

"I'm okay, buddy."

I pet his beak and he softly nudges against my injured arm.

"Oh, this. It's no big deal. Really. It's almost healed. See?"

I take off my tunic to show my arm to him. He again nudges at my arm as I smile and put it back on.

"Sigh. I hope Ghirahim's alright... his wound was deadly..."

I mumble to myself while absently petting Crimson who is peacefully cuddled next to me.

Kina calls out to me before I drift completly away with my thoughts and puts the bowls infront of us.

"Thanks Kina."

I smile at her as she returns it and heads back inside.

"C'mon Crimson. Let's eat."

I pull away from him, gaining a pissed sound. It makes me chuckle as I blow on my hot soup.

After we're done eating we continue sitting together for a while.

"It's getting late. Let's head back to Skyloft."

I get up and so does Crimson. We take our bowls and head inside.

"Here you go, Link."

I place the empty bowls on the counter as Pumm hands me the bottle.


I take the bottle and place the rupees on the table. He nods and I head out with Crimson back to Skyloft to bring Sapphire his treat. He's resting at the meadow outside the knight academy.

I quickly grab a bowl from my room and leave my sword and shield before I go back to him and pour him the soup.

We sit down a while in the grass and I drift away into sleep.

"Hey. Link."

Someone's shaking my shoulders and I slowly open my eyes.

"Sheesh sleep in your bed, moron. You will catch a cold like this. And here. That's for your injury."

Pipit holds out his empty hand to help me get up and then hands me a healing gel. I take it and scratch my head.

"Sorry. Kinda dozed off there. Thanks."

He frowns at me and looks over to Crimson and Sapphire.

"They will be fine. After all Loftwings often sleep outside."

I nod and go to my room in the academy but no matter how hard I try to sleep, Ghirahim's face and voice keeps me awake. Is he really okay...?

Deciding, I'm sick off being anxious I get up and grab my sword and shield before heading to the bazar.

I buy a new health potion and let it fully upgrade and head back to the academy where Crimson is sleeping.

"Hey... buddy..."

I softly pet his head to wake him up and he looks at me with sleepy eyes.

"I'm sorry to wake you. Can you bring me to the Faron Woods?"

He slowly gets up and stretches his wings. I put the light on his head and we fly off to the green light beam.

"Thanks, buddy. Can you wait here a bit for me? I will be back soon."

I pet him before jumping off into the center of the Woods. Arrived there I head to the waterfall again. I think it's the best place to meet with him.



"Ghirahim. Please. I promise you don't have to talk with me or anything. Please I beg you..."

I hear the sound of his crystals behind me and his sigh.

"What do you want, sky child?"

I take out the potion from my bag and hand it to him. He looks back and forth between me and the bottle.

"What is that?"

Is he mistrusting me? I feel a sharp pain in my chest and push my hand further towards him.

"It's a super high quality healing potion from Skyloft."

He still eyes me suspiciously.

"Why are you bringing me this, sky child?"

I see that he tries to keep his usal cool up but he's still deeply injured. I only had a little bit of potion left before after all.

"Please, Ghirahim... drink it... it will heal your injury..."

He chuckles at me.

"How amusing. What makes you think I cannot heal myself?"

I feel anger dwelling up inside me. Why is he acting like that. I stretch my hand towards his injury as he grabs it forcefully and stares into my eyes angrily. Suddenly I feel couragous and return the stare.

"If you can heal yourself just fine, you won't mind me checking, right?"

I can feel his pride crackling until he finally releases my hand and grabs the bottle. He turns away from me and gulps down the contest of it before handing it back to me.

"Satisfied, sky child?"

I nod and turn to leave.


Ghirahim calls out to me and I turn back in surprise. He looks flustered.

"Thanks... For saving my life and bringing me this."

I smile at him and return to the goddess statue back to the sky and let Crimson catch me and fly back to Skyloft. There I return to my room and fall asleep peacefully.

I wake up rested the next morning and stretch before heading outside. Crimson and Sapphire are already up and flying around. I smile at them being so happy together again.

"Good morning, Link. Are you well rested?"

Istructor Owlan greets me and looks up into the sky.

"Good morning, instructor. Yes, I feel great. Didn't rest like that good since a long time."

I smile as he nods.

"That's nice to hear. Take it easy and don't overdo it."

I nod and head to the bazar. I wonder... will he be alright? Maybe I should bring him another potion just to be sure... he looked way healthier after drinking it but I still think his injury is still there... if only he would show me so I know how bad it still is...

I stock my potions up and head for the Faron Woods. First I will see what the old lady has to say I guess. Then I can look how he is doing.

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