Chapter 5

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The Deep Woods look much diffrent. The Faron Woods have large fields and different flora and animals. Here it's mostly big trees and cliffs.

I gulp hard as I look how deep it goes down. I'm not afraid of heights, considering where I live but at home I have Crimson, who will always catch me when I fall. If I'd fall here...

I shake my head and continue. To get over a big cliff, I have to balance over a slim rope. Goddamn, Goddess, why you chose me for this?

I gather my courage and put my first foot on the rope. Okay. I can do this. I always balanced on trees back home with Zelda.

Once I'm on it fully, it's way better than I imagined. Just look straight forward, tense your muscles and you got this, Link!

Arrived on the other side, I make for a little break on the ground.

"Phew. Wasn't so bad."

I lean my head against a tree behind me and close my eyes. Then I get that shiver again and jump up, looking around me.

"Who is there!?"

I look towards the entry as I hear a faint chuckle behind me.

I pull out my sword of it's sheat and slash it while turning around.

Nothing. Damn. What is this place doing with me. I need to calm down. No one's watching me. Fi would have said something.

I sigh as I take out my water bottle from my adventure's pouch and take a sip. Should have refilled it when I passed the waterfall back in Faron Woods well whatever. Not gonna go back for that now.

I put my bottle back and head for temple. To open it, I need to hit a crystal switch high up, no problem with my slingshot.

As I hit the switch, the door opens, revealing stairs heading down. Before I head in, I take a deep breath, ignoring that feeling of being watched again.

Once I'm in, Fi comes out.

"Master, this is the Skyview Temple. Proceed with care, I can feel the presence of many monsters here."

I nod at her and draw my sword. The temple doesn't feel like it's in the middle of a giant forest. Its walls are made of solid concrete but you can see it's old. There are giant spiderwebs everywhere, making me shiver.

As I proceed, I encounter some Bokoblins and slash through the giant webs in my way.

I head through a door and it smashes close behind me, locked by bars. Nowhere to go but forward I guess.

I approach a pile of bones as Fi warns me.

"Master. Be cautious. This is a Stalfos. Once you get close, it will become alive and attack you."


I look towards my sword, hoping Fi jokes around but at that moment the bones spin around and a giant skeleton with two swords looks at me with his red eyes.


I fall on my butt, barely dodging the enemy's attack with a roll and slay it from behind.

"Phew. Well that was unexpected."

I look at the pile of bones.

"Master, you will have to be on your guard. There are many threats."

I scratch my head.

"Yeah. I know."

As I proceed, through the chambers of the temple and solve the puzzles, my mind wanders to Zelda again. I hope she's okay...

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