Chapter 7

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"Link! Hey, Link! Wake up!"

I wake at someone shaking me and shouting and open my eyes.

"Thank the goddess, you're finally awake."

Pipit looks at me relieved, holding my shoulders. He must have noticed my confusion as he takes away his hands and looks at me worried.

"You were screaming while sleeping. I was patroling the dorms when I heard and came to check on you. You seemed to have a nightmare so I tried to wake you up. Link. What happend? Does looking for Zelda put you under too much stress? Did something happen at the surface?"

Pipit hands me a glass of water and sits down next to me on my bed. I lower my gaze to the water in my hands. The movement of it reminds me of Ghirahims crystals.

Pipit puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Link, if anything is burdening you, you can talk to me, always."

I smile weakly at him and shake my head.

"Thanks, Pipit but I don't think I'm ready to talk about it yet..."

He seems worried even more but smiles still.

"I see. Once you're ready, I will listen, okay? You can always come to me, I will make time."

I nod at him and he gets up and leaves for the door. Before going out, he turns to me.

"But please do me the favour and rest properly. Stay in Skyloft a day, spend time with your loftwing, take a walk; anything to help you get whatever happend at the surface away from your mind."

There is some silence between us.

"Okay. I will leave next morning."

Pipit smiles at me and nods, closing the door behind him. Left alone again, I let myself fall back onto my bed and sigh.

"Fi? Zelda will be okay, right?"

Like always Fi appears, responding right away.

"I can't say for certain, master but I'm 95% sure of it. She has someone guarding her. You should listen to the advice and rest before leaving for the surface again."

With that she is gone again, making me sigh even harder. Goddess, why you chose me? Why me? Why Zelda? Why him? Why we have to fight like this?

After a while I hear some faint voice outside, like someone's calling for someone and decide to head out to see if I can help. Lying around won't help me get better.

I walk towards the voice and see Wryna on top of the stairs to the goddess statue.

"Wryna. What happend?"

I call out to her and she turns to me.

"Link! Perfect timing! Did you see Kukiel anywhere?"

Kukiel, her little daughter. She always exitingly explores Skyloft and pretends to be a knight on patrol.

I frown, worried something bad happend to her.

"No, sadly not. Since when is she gone? Where did you last saw her?"

Wryna tries to keep in her tears, buring her face in her hands.

"She dissapeared yesterday evening. I called her for dinner and searched for her but couldn't find her since. She said she wanted to play with a friend."

I nod, thinking deeply. With friend I assume she ment Gully, they always chase bugs together at the plaza.

"I will find her, I promise."

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