Chapter 8

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I fly around the island, trying to spot Kukiel. It already got dark so I call for her but no answer.

I feel... it can't be... I can feel Ghirahim's dark presence! Demons and monsters of evil nature shouldn't be capable of entering over the clouds! The goddess's protective aura should prevent this!

Finally I spot Kukiel and infront of her is Ghirahim, approaching her. Crimson flies over them and I jump off, so I land inbetween them.

"Kukiel! Are you hurt?!"

I stand protectivly infront of her, facing Ghirahim with my drawn sword.

"No. I just wanted to talk with my new friend."

What? I'm confused and look at her as I hear Ghirahim's chuckle and Crimson screams for me to watch out. I look back to Ghirahim and see one of his crystals fly at me and hit me in the leg.

I fall to the ground from the sharp pain.

"Gah! Crimson!"

Crimson understands the danger and grabs Kukiel in his beak immediatly and eyes me worried. I smile at him weakly and nod and he flies back to the Skyloft.

"Noooo! Link!!!"

I hear Kukiel's screams fading and now face Ghirahim again, panting heavily.

He approaches me slowly, smirking.

"My my, sky child how quaint. You could have easily dodged that. You humans sure are idiotic. Getting hit to protect a little child."

He stops infront of me.

"I have to say, I would have prefered to hear your name from your own mouth but I guess, this will have to do."

He kneels down to me, staring into my eyes and moves his hand over my injured leg. I don't know if I'm paralyzed by pain, fear, or his gaze but I can only sit on the ground and shake...

He smirks and touches my wound, making me cry out in pain as he chuckles.

"Ah the screams of your agony are quite pleasurable to my ears."

I try to talk or get away but I am in too much pain and clenth my teeth trying not to scream more which makes him frown.

He pulls the crystal out of my leg, licking off the blood from it, making blood leave the wound massivly.

"Mhh... delicious."

He licks his lips, smirking at me.


Ghirahim looks up to the voice and clicks his tongue.

"Seems like our time is over. I already look forward to our next meeting, my dear sky child."

He winks at me and snaps his fingers. I am left staring at the thousand crystals dissapear into the night. As soon as Ghirahim's presence fully faded, I feel weak. Maybe he actually did use some dark magic on me...

"Link! Oh goddess! Pull yourself together!"

Instructor Horwell pulls me into a sitting position and calls out to his loftwing. I feel my eyes grow heavy as he gives me a potion to drink.

Crimson snuggles into my side, trying to comfort me but I'm too weak to raise my hand or even smile. Instructor Horwell pulls me to my feet and lays me on Crimson's back.

Feeling my trusty friend's warmth, I finally pass out.

I wake up to a hand on my forehead and slowly open my eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't wanted to wake you."

Fledge pulls his hand away.

"It's fine... how long have I been sleeping?"

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