Chapter 23 : Azzam

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Lalish locates near the northern border of Iraq, inside ripples of ridges. There were no decent roads, paths were not built, but by trampling over since the existence of mankind.

The LVSR traveling slowly up hill, taking up the entire width of the rocky road. Out of a turn stood two guards, raising their rifles and pointed at the driver from both side.

"The road is closed!" one guard yelled.

"Suffering is a gift. In it is hidden mercy." Chloe read from her tattoo.

The guards exchanged looks, didn't expect a white girl speaks their language, let alone knowing the password. One reported to his radio, then lowered his rifle and waved her forward.

"She made past the gate." JoJo reported from her satellite monitor. "Five hundred meters to the party house."

"Give me the word, I'll blow this son of a bitch to kingdom come." sitting behind JoJo, Slava tracking the big moving vehicle from the gunner's console.

Through the binoculars, Morris could see the Boomerang hidden behind the north ridge, its turret pointing across the valley, watching over the LVSR.


"Coming into position!" she was out of breath. "If you wanted me faster you should give me a lift!"

"You're too close. They would have spotted the APC. It's about time you workout that fat!" her little sister responded.

"You shut up!" said Brooke climbing up the steep hill of the south ridge, with her AK and a heavy Barrett M82 rifle on her back.

"Paige, are you in range?" Morris asked.

"Sitting here attracting bugs. I should have brought bug spray!"

"Stay put. Once Chloe is out of range, you blow this place like Kendall's school."

"That's not funny!" Kendall protested on the radio.

Paige checked her remote detonator, the receiving signal was growing stronger.

"Chloe is coming my way."

"Make sure you two are out of range." Morris reminded.

"I know how explosive works!"

The signal grew stronger as she heard engine sound approaching, passing, and towards its designation.

Chloe, you better get out of there fast! Paige prayed.

The LVSR reached what looked like an old monastery, built by yellow sand bricks centuries ago, its walls thick and windows small. The structure was surrounded by a recently built outer wall, turning the whole place into a fortress.

The main gate was guarded by a line of jeeps and tanks, heavily armed, and all pointing their barrels at the arriving truck. A soldier in blue bandanna went up, instructed his men to inspect the cargo. Chloe sat still, waiting for the next move.

"Where are the launchers?" the soldier asked.

"Where is Azzam?" Chloe asked.

"I am Azzam! You speak to me!"

"Technical perfection is insufficient." Chloe said. "This was my final message to Azzam. What was the next line?"

The soldier blinked, he was about to get on the radio before a voice spoke from behind.

"It is an orphan with the true soul of the dancer."

The man was in his late forties, he wore a military uniform, but unlike others, his hair was finely combed, fading to the color of orange from long years under the scorching sun.

"Jacque Salenko. We finally meet." and unlike others, he spoke like a gentleman.

"Azzam." Chloe killed the engine and got out the truck.

"How can she be so sure?" Morris asked.

"It was supposed to be 'It is an orphan without the true soul of the dancer', every dancer knows this quote." JoJo explained. "Only the one who actually read her message would say it as written. Chloe did it on purpose to spot him!"

Once again the teacher was surprised by his student, but Morris wasn't proud of this. He regretted taking Chloe as his apprentice, it has turned her into a dangerous person.

From the satellite feed JoJo watched Azzam guided Chloe into the building, escorted by four armed guards.

"Chloe! What are you doing??" she gasped.

The plan was to identify Azzam and retreat, follow by setting off the missiles and heavy bombardments from the two APCs, but now come face to face with the murderer of her family, Chloe's heart wanted more.

Azzam invited her inside the building, its interior has been modernized by floor and electricity, almost a decent place to live.

"This is the shrine of Sifna, the founder of Lalish, my home." Azzam introduced. "Prohibited to women. You are the first."

"I am honored." Chloe said quietly.

"Tell me, Ms. Salenko. Why are you so interested in our force? It is unusual that a white woman like you would invest in our ideology."

Chloe began the story she rehearsed a thousand times.

"My family is lost and so is my faith to my country. Our government is weak that has led to this failure. I need new reinforcement, someone who can lead my people, an idealist but with a rational mind, someone who takes action with his words."

"And how far are you willing to go to gain back your lost?"

"Far enough." Chloe peeled away her scarf, revealing the disfigured part of her face.

Instead of backing away, the man reached out and touched her burned cheek.

"Such beauty, and bravery!" Azzam admired. "In the west, people would find this hideous, but here we call this a warrior's medal. The scars of war are what make us Man."

"And woman." Chloe reminded.

"And when will this woman bring me the rest of the missiles and launchers?" Azzam walked on.

"When I'm on a safe plane out of here, you will receive a coordinate."

"A smart one too! I did not expect anything less!" the man chuckled. "Come! Let me show you something!"

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