Chapter 14 : Kendall

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She woke up to a complete silence, it felt weird after some forty hours bombardment of engine and motor. The only sound in the air came from the humming of the rotary gun, turning at its own will. The monitor at the console was displaying infrared image of where it was pointing, at the lower corner flashing a Sentry Mode icon.

The rear hatch was left opened, the cool breeze and fresh air was tempting. She popped her head out and checked to make sure there was no danger outside. Growing up in the city, the wilderness has always given her the creeps.

"Come on out." she heard Slava called.

The 82A was parking side by side with the Boomerang, its gun was running the same sentry setting, together they offered a 360 security for the bonfire in between.

The girls were sitting around the fire, roasting something above the flame.

"What are you guys doing? There maybe people out there!" Kendall whispered.

"And our guns to them. These beauties can shoot a rabbit four kilometers away." Slava tossed away her cigarette and jumped down from the 82A.

"What are you guys doing?" Kendall approached the fire. "And what is this?"

"A gazelle." JoJo replied.

"A gazelle? Where did it come from?"

"Err, the desert?" JoJo rolled her eyes like it was a stupid question.

"I meant how did it get here, end up like this?"

"I shot it! I think I'm going into hunting!" Brooke said proudly.

"Technically the gun shot it. You just happened to be on the gunner's seat eating Frosted Flakes!" her sister corrected.

Kendall found a spot and took her seat, the fire felt warm under the freezing desert, and the meat smelled good.

"Guy, what are we going to do when we find Chloe?" Kendall asked. "Will she still be the same person?"

"Of course she will! She's the strongest among us!" Paige said.

"What do you say, Slava?" Brooke asked, now more mature than ever. "You've been to war. Do you get trauma?"

"Special Ops doesn't count as war, but even the toughest men get PTSD." Slava admitted. "We don't know what Chloe has been through, I just hope she..."

"She what?" the girls asked.

Slava thought her words carefully, not wanting to disappoint the girls.

"She has already suffered trauma when she was little. She either picked up the technique to deal with it, or I've seen people go nuts."

The girls fell into silence.

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