Chapter 18 : Morris

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They have been driving from point to point, checking all the locations near the mountains. Most of them were empty bunkers, deserted from war and left to nature. By noon they reached the fourth spot, Morris and Kalani got out the jeep, rifle to shoulder, pointing where they look.

"Be careful." Morris warned.

"Why? It looks just like the other three."

"I smell blood."

"Really? You can smell that?"

It always sounded like a myth to her, that one could smell blood from a distance like a shark, but Kalani knew better listening to an old man in a profession where one usually dies young, keeping her high alert as she made her approach.

Twenty steps ahead she saw the old man was right, a man lying face down in a pool of blood, his rifle not far away.

They split up and approached the door from opposite directions, moving in gun first, eyes second, foot last. The buildings were empty except the dead, they secured the area and began assessing the place.

"Looks like a deal gone bad." Kalani studied.

"How long ago?" Even on the field, the old teacher trains his student.

"Weapons are cold." Kalani touched the barrel, then the blood on the ground, digging deep into the dry earth. "Blood are dry, but not dry enough. Thirty minutes to an hour?"

"Number of shooters?"

Morris watched his young apprentice walk through the scene like a detective, looking at how the bodies fell.

"One." Kalani turned and saw her teacher's approval, she squatted and studied the tire tracks. "What did they keep in here?"

"Heavy shit." Morris lighted a cigarette. "Looks like a LVSR."

"What's that?"

"A Logistic Vehicle System Replacement, the Marine Corps uses it for wrecker or cargo."

"Your people left it?"

"They leave equipment only if they are beyond repair, but quite often they forget where they put them. Soldiers weren't made for logistics."

"Two million dollars worth and needs a heavy truck. Still not a nuke?" Kalani cocked her head.

"There are a lot more weapons that are cheaper and more effective than nukes. It could be missiles, or bio-weapons. They come cheaper by the pack."

His phone rang, it was JoJo calling.

"Morris! Where are you??" her voice urgent under a background of engine noise.

"About twenty kilo north of Bakufa. Where are you?"

"We're just getting out of the city." JoJo collected her words, then spoke. "Morris! We found Chloe!"

"You found Chloe??" his eyes widened, so did Kalani listening.

"Morris! Chloe was the one withdrawing the money! I saw her on the bank footage!"

"Are you sure it was her?"

"Positive!!" JoJo said. "Morris! Chloe is Jacque Salenko ! Chloe is the White Jackal!!"

"That's impossible! Chloe doesn't speak Arabic."

"She does if she been here for two years!"

As much as he wanted to deny, he knew it was possible.

"Morris! She's out there! We need to find her! Before the CIA does!" JoJo said, never so panic in her life. "Tell me what you need!"

"I need to find a LVSR, maybe a convoy." Morris reported as he read more tire tracks. "Heading east from my location about an hour ago, we're looking at a coverage of-"

"One hundred kilometers. I get on satellite right away!"

Didn't wait for JoJo's reply, Morris and Kalani jumped on the jeep, headed for the direction of the tire tracks. Moments later JoJo called back.

"Morris! There are activities about five kilometers to your east, I see multiple vehicles, a dozen of them, possibly hostile!"

"Perfect! Just the party we need!" Morris grunted.

"And Morris?" JoJo added. "There's a sand storm coming."

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