7: Composition

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Yoon hee is going back to do her rehearsals in Seong entertainment, Klarisse greeted her with a smile and she stop the lady from going further.

"Yes, Ms.Klarisse?"

"I saw your composition online and I'm impressed." The CEO said while showing Yoon hee her phone with a shot of the poem.

"Wait, Who told you-" Yoon hee rotated her head to the side and she saw Mae-rah who was just silent in the corner while reporters is having an interview for her co-stars.

"Mae-rah told me about the Composition you made." Klarisse also looks in Mae-rah's direction while they're watching the woman talk in front of the camera.

"So many girls like you Hyung Mae-rah, What do you think about them?" The reporters said and Mae-rah is astounded by this question, She focused herself on the camera while glancing at Yoon hee and Klarisse.

"I-i...I'm not sure yet, But maybe I like someone now..." She coldly said, The reporter is about to interview her again until Mae-rah decided to just stand up and walk directly at Yoon hee.

"Mae-rah, Are you okay?" The lady didn't say anything and she just grabbed Yoon hee in the arm, Mae-rah dragged the lady into the elevator, and Klarisse is confused about what is happening.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly run away? Why do you also share the Composition I made with my Co-workers?" Yoon hee questioned, Mae-rah didn't bother answering back until they arrived at the rooftop.

"My manager Said that I should distance myself from you and Su-ryeon..." Mae-rah said with a cold tone while she was feeling the fresh breeze of air from the rooftop.

"Wait what? Is it because of your fans?" Yoon hee noticed the tears that is dropping in Mae-rah's eyes and she didn't hesitate to hug her friend.

"I send the poem to Su-ryeon but she didn't reply yet. I will go now..." Mae-rah walk back into the elevator and she pressed the 1st floor to leave.

"Mae-rah?" Klarisse said and the lady just glance at her before walking out of the building. Yoon hee suddenly feel nervous about Mae-rah's news and she didn't know if Su-ryeon will read her composition that is based on their old love story.

"Ms.Klarisse let's go, The producers are waiting for us" Yoon hee said and she walk inside the rehearsal room to get ready as also Klarisse did.

After her rehearsals, Yoon hee decided to go to Su-ryeon's café to know if the lady had already seen her poem online.

So many people are ordering in the café and Yoon hee just slowly goes into the front to ask Su-ryeon.

"You're busy?"

"A little bit, Do you need anything?" Su-ryeon said while cleaning up the counter as she wait for the customer to order.

"Ah...Do you already read my Poem, 'Far Away' ?" Yoon hee said with courage as she glance at Su-ryeon's reaction who looks unpredictable.

"Is that Moon?" Su-ryeon pointed, Yoon hee decided to rotate her head and see Seo-jin who was just staring at her.

"Yes, Maybe she just wants to greet-"

"I already said she's dangerous, right? Excuse me I will just take the order." Su-ryeon walked in the customer who called her to say their orders, Yoon hee sighed in sadness as she didn't think Su-ryeon would be this cold-hearted.

"Did she already close her heart in love? Can't she see that I made this Composition for her?" Yoon hee said while staring at her computer with the song she made, Seo-jin is just listening to her story and she wanna know what happened.

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