5: I save you

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"Mae-rah? What brought you here again?" Yoon hee is shocked to see her friend In front of Seong entertainment while waiting for Yoon hee to arrive.

"Hey. I just want to visit you about yesterday because I heard you had a fever. Sorry I didn't come to help you..." The lady said in a cold tone while walking beside Yoon hee.

"It's okay! I know you have so many things to do especially you're-" Yoon hee is interrupted by the intense look that Mae-rah has given to her and she's afraid to say anything about that topic again. The whole 20 seconds is just full of silence until Mae-rah changes the conversation.

"You look so happy, Is there something that happened...?" Yoon hee just forms a sweet smile while glancing at the view of this glass elevator, she remembers the medicine that Su-ryeon has given to her and she assumed it was the one who cured her fever.

"My old owner, She always smiles and laugh when both of them are close to each other...what is so special to her?" Seo-jin said in her head while glancing at Su-ryeon's cafe with Yoon hee's umbrella.

"What do you need?" Su-ryeon appeared in front of Seo-jin and the woman suddenly sneeze from the cold weather, She was confused about how fast that mysterious woman dissapeared and the only thing she saw is Yoon hee's umbrella.

"Hey. Su-ryeon..." Mae-rah suddenly appeared on Su-ryeon's back and she's glancing continuously on the road to see if someone is still following her, Su-ryeon rotated her body and saw the lady.

"How are you and Yoon hee...?" The lady said and it makes Su-ryeon a little bit concerned, they thought to have a conversation inside the café while Mae-rah is ordering her coffee.

"Seo-jin?!" Yoon hee look on top of Su-ryeon's cafe and she saw the cat sitting in there, The both ladies outside didn't notice Yoon hee and they just continue their conversation.

"What is Yoon hee in your life...? She still sees you as her greatest love and I don't know if you can notice it..." Mae-rah coldly said while drinking her coffee, Su-ryeon just look at her with no expression and she didn't know what to feel about it.

"Just stay there okay? I will pick you up." Yoon hee saw a ladder in the fence and she picked it up and position it near the cat, The lady climb the ladder slowly while her hands is catching Seo-jin through the roof.

"Seo-jin go here- ah!" Yoon hee shouted after her feet slipped on the ladder and she is about to fall through the ground.

Seo-jin exactly caught Yoon hee from falling and both of their eyes connect for a couple of seconds, The lady suddenly feels embarrassed and she lets go of Seo-jin.

"I'm sorry! wait, where's seo-jin?" Yoon hee is worried about where the cat went and she tried to question the mysterious lady but it suddenly disappeared from thin air.

"That lady is suspicious, I think I saw her eyes before..." Yoon hee said while so many questions is circling in her head, She saw Seo-jin going inside the house and she finally breathe in relief.

"Ah, yes! That lady's eyes and yours are the same, Seo-jin. If that woman didn't save me, maybe I will have a bad injury in my back." Yoon hee is sitting on the ground while she's staring at Seo-jin's eyes as she remembered that girl who save her earlier.

"That's Mae-rah right? She's so cute!!!" The high school girls are gossiping around while glancing at Mae-rah who's just walking silently in front of her house to go home.

"Is that Mae-rah? why is she running away from these girls?" Klarisse hide from the corner while watching Mae-rah who was about to run in her direction, she decided to greet the lady but her phone suddenly vibrate.

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