4: Sickness

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"Where do you live now?" Su-ryeon asked while holding the umbrella that is supporting them through the rain. Yoon hee suddenly felt nervous as she has forgotten that her house is just in front of the lady's café.

"Uh, My new home is far away from here." Yoon hee said with a nervous smile, Su-ryeon insist to escort Yoon hee back into her house but the lady disagree.

"Yoon hee, where do you actually live?" Su-ryeon seriously said to Yoon hee, she didn't have any excuse to make now and the only choice she have is to say the truth.

"It's just a coincidence, My Appa's new wife owns this house and I don't have any choice to just accept it. I promise I didn't plan this!" Yoon hee nervously said while glancing at Su-ryeon as the rain fell on top of their umbrella.


"See, I know you wouldn't believe me-" Su-ryeon touched Yoon hee's cheeks and she conclude that the lady is starting to get a fever, Yoon hee is blushing so hard while remembering the time when Su-ryeon kissed her in the park.

"You already have a fever, Maybe you should go in now..." Su-ryeon said while Seo-jin is standing beside them with sadness in her eyes. Seo-jin suddenly felt a pain in her heart while watching the both of them look at each other.

"Moon! Moon! Where are you?" Yoon hee goes inside her house after the rain partially stops, She's searching for Moon's existence and her eyes didn't fail to accomplish it.

"There you are, Wait...How does the door suddenly open?" She heard a loud sound from the door that Moon came in, Her instinct is full of questions but she just erased it for now.

"Moon is kind of an awkward name and I think it doesn't suit you that much, How about...Seo-jin?" Yoon hee happily said while drying the cat's body who was wet from going outside, Moon didn't answer the question and she's just glancing at Yoon hee.

"Yes, I think Seo-jin is a good name. From now on when I'm with you, I'll call you Seo-jin, what do you think Seo-jin?" Yoon hee annoyingly said and the cat didn't answer again, the lady assumed that Seo-jin is not answering because the cat is hungry, Yoon hee remembered the milk in her cabinet and maybe Moon will like it.

"Do you want some milk? Here..." The lady takes the milk from her cabinet and she slowly pours the glass of milk into Moon's cat bowl.

"Wait, where are you going?" Yoon Hee asked after Seo-jin walk away in the milk to go somewhere. She heard a loud noise from the empty room and Yoon hee decided to check it out.

"What did you do?" The lady started to arrange her belongings after Seo-jin accidentally bump the box with all her memorable old pieces of stuff. While cleaning it up, Yoon hee saw her old notebook that contain all the songs she composed before.

"I don't know these songs are still in here..." Yoon hee flip the pages of her notebook while remembering the time when Su-ryeon and her first talked to each other.

The Music room is so peaceful while Mae-rah and Su-ryeon are accompanying her. Yoon Hee is focused on writing these songs coming through her mind, and she noticed Su-ryeon who suddenly answers the phone call from her parents.

"Yes Appa, I will go there..." Su-ryeon quietly said and Yoon hee is just laughing at her as she cannot believe that the lady is talking like a child with her parents, On the other side, Mae-rah is just focusing her eyesight on reading the book she borrowed from the school library while ignoring them.

"Are you okay Su-ryeon-ah? You look like a girl whom first time talked with her parents." The lady said as a joke, she didn't know that Su-ryeon is experiencing something else and her joke make the lady a little bit upset.

Smile With Me | CheonOhOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora