Taehyung shrugged"I didn't think he would really come"

"I thought so too .But tell me what are you going to do."Jungkook asked in annoyance

"Just ignore him"

"What if he decides to open his mouth and tell everyone including my father what we did.Do you think my father would look at me the same.I would rather die than disappoint him"

"The time for speeches had already passed.He missed his chance"Taehyung said casually

"You aren't being serious about this right"

"Kookie I doubt he will take things that far.I have known him long enough"the alpha said

"How can you be so sure"Jungkook asked,his nerves all over the place

"I just know.Honestly I still want to be friends with him.I just want him to forget about the past and move on"

"You are more delusional than I thought"Jungkook snickered"If you were him would be have forgotten about it so soon?"

"I agree"

"How can you expect him to forgive you that easily.You haven't even given him time to heal.If you keep this up then he will end up doing something really bad.He will try to hurt us "

"I guess I was expecting a miracle too early"Taehyung said with a sad smile.

"Do you really think that he came here because he wants to be friends again like you are hoping.No.I don't think so.If I were in his shoes I would have tried to harm you for revenge"

"Do you think he has an agenda?"the alpha asked

"Tae do you think he is happy for us.He would be the last person who would be happy for us.Not after what we did.We need to treat him with caution"the omega stressed

"I understand"the alpha nodded

"Time heals all wounds.We should keep our distance from him for as long as possible.It would be good for all of us"

"Thank you"Taehyung said

"For what"

"For being mine and overlooking and forgiving me for everything wrong I have done so far"the older said

Jungkook got flustered"Don't get all touchy Taehyung.Haven't you said enough when we exchanged vows.I don't want to cry again"

"I love you"

"I know"Jungkook teased.

"You aren't ever going to say it back will you?"Taehyung asked with a pout

"Yes my big baby"Jungkook placed his hands on the older's chest and then kissed him softly.

In all honesty he wanted to thank the alpha for loving him so dearly and supporting him in everything.He wanted to honour and respect him and their marriage.He didn't want the whole world to love him,Taehyung was more than he needed.

While they were at it the door burst open and Jimin and Yoongi stumbled in.It seems like they were engaged in a heavy make out session and they really couldn't wait till they got home.They didn't know there were other people in the room.

When they saw the newly weds they straightened their postures.They acted like they weren't together in the first place.

"You guys were here?We were looking for you.It's time to receive your wedding gifts .Everyone is waiting"Jimin said just to ease the tension.

"Well it seemed like we are the ones who got married but you are the one who are already celebrating in our stead"Taehyung chuckled

"What about you guys.Didn't you come here to do the deed?"Yoongi asked

"No.We were just talking."Jungkook replied

"Okay i will believe you"

"I guess we should leave first so we can give you the privacy you need.I would recommend that you lock the door from inside"Jungkook winked and Jimin glared at him in response.

"Let's go baby"Taehyung placed his hand on the omega's lower back and guided him out of the bathroom.

"Shall we continue?"Yoongi asked after Taehyung and Jungkook had left.

Jimin rolled his eyes"Continue what.Do you honestly think I will let you fuck me in the bathroom"

"So tonight ?"

"It will depend on my mood.I'm not promising anything"Jimin said and walked out while swinging his hips.

It seemed like the day wasn't ending soon enough.They were both tired to the bone.

Jungkook's farewell was not easy.His siblings were overreacting.They acted as if he was moving to the moon where they wouldn't be able to visit him.Jungkook didn't want any of the emotional drama.He wanted to go to bed early since he had an early flight in the morning.The newly weds were going to have their honeymoon in Mexico.

Before the newly weds could go home Mr Jeon gave Taehyung a few threats and they shook hands.Jungkook was watching them curiously.

Taehyung and Jungkook drove home at ten in the evening.Jungkook's boxes were still laying around as he had moved in just the day before.

When they got home Taehyung threw himself on the couch and pulled Jungkook on top of him.

"What a day"

"Yeah"Jungkook was feeling nervous.Now that they had gotten married he didn't know what would stop him from fucking him.It had been exactly eight months since they last had sex and Jungkook was no way prepared and on top of that he was tied .Taehyung was a beast in bed ,he knew that much.Whenever he let Taehyung fuck him once he would want more and they would end up sleeping at dawn.

"Do you know why I fell for you"Taehyung lifted Jungkook's chin so they could maintain eye contact.

"You tell me Taehyung"he blushed.

"Because when I couldn't walk you are the only one who had faith in me.Even though I was nothing but a pain in the ass you never gave up on me"he kissed the smaller's button nose.

"I was just dedicated to my job and that's how dedicated I will be to this marriage"Jungkook said softly

"And I wouldn't want more than that"

Their eyes locked and Jungkook knew that he wasn't going to get fucked tonight.Taehyung was sleepy.He mentally sighed in relief

"I'm tired.Let's go to bed"the alpha said

"Yeah but we also have to pack up for the trip"Jungkook said

"We can buy whatever we need when we get there.For tonight let's just get some sleep.It's been a busy day"

"But you will have to shower though"


"You are sweaty"Jungkook pointed out

"I don't sweat in winter."

"Let's just shower okay?"

"Yes overlord"Taehyung bowed his head slightly.

After showering they lay in bed.Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer and kissed him briefly before turning the side lamb off.

"Good night.I love you"Taehyung said

"Have a good night too"

Jungkook felt himself being spanked in the dark"What's that for Mr Kim?"

"You didn't say it back"

Jungkook could swear that he felt his husband pouting .His duality was sick"I won't ever say it back."

Jungkook was at peace.He was glad that Hoseok hadn't done or said anything that would ruin their day.Was a day going to come when they would be able to squash their fued.

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