Chapter 26: FINAL PART :)

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Emma's pov:
It's been two years since I got involved properly with all of the supernatural stuff in Beacon Hills, and I'm not going to lie- I feel so much more relaxed. Stefan is due to visit me tomorrow, he visits at least twice every month, as he drove back to Mystic Falls whilst I stayed with my blood family. A lot of things had happened since then.
I got a job, I work as a teacher in the high school- Scott's pissed off that he has to see me everyday now, but deep inside I know he loves me. It's quite funny actually.
I finally got married too, best day of my life.
I officially moved into a new house about a five minute walk from Melissas' house— and, oh yeah. I have officially adopted Roman! I am now his official mother. My dad's proud too, he came back a couple months ago. It was nice to see him again (even if it wasn't for the best terms). But anyway, I've made a new life for myself here. And quite frankly... I love it!

——————present day——————

I dashed out of the bathroom and downstairs, towards the kitchen. We were late, Roman was eating his toast at the table and I had barely managed to collect the students' work from my office before grabbing a cup of coffee and packing up the car. "Roman, get your shoes on and meet me in the car, I'll be down in a second."
"Ok." He replied, I ran back upstairs and locked the bathroom door as I entered.
Breathe Em...
I took a deep breath in, before reaching onto the counter and taking the stick in my hands. No way!
Two vibrant red lines sat on it. I thought the doctors said it would be harder to get pregnant?
"Mum!" Roman shouted, from downstairs.
"Yep, yes. I'm coming sweetheart!" I walked down the stairs, quite shocked. We'd only had sex four times in the last two years... what the hell?

I hurried Roman off to school as we arrived, then drove off towards the high school which was just down the road. I parked up, grabbed my stuff and began walking up towards the school. As I was walking, I felt a presence beside me, "You're late." I rolled my eyes at my brothers statement and turned towards him.
"No shit Sherlock." He pouted at my come back, "Anyway, you should be nice to me. Remember, you've got me for chemistry and as a sub for your history and English. He sighed and made his way back to his friends, I didn't really know most of them anymore he'd gotten new ones.

As I finished arranging my stuff, I placed the students books on their table and sat at my desk (waiting for the bell to ring). I was a substitute for the classes' history lesson first thing, I knew Scott and Stiles were in this class so I decided that today I would make their lives hell. Cause that's the type of amazing, frantic sister I am.
The bell rang and teenagers swarmed into the classroom, "Sit where your books are please." I told them as the all arrived, much to my dismay, Scott and his friend (Stiles) actually showed up on time. But that was alright I guess.
"So class, today I am your substitute teacher for history. And I am going to be teaching you about the myths and legends of Mystic Falls." The class stared at me confused as to where this place was, I smiled, "Mystic Falls is a place where I lived for a few years, before moving back to my hometown in Beacon Hills."
I heard muttering between the class, until I silenced them.
Then I started again, "So Malia.... Vampires, real or myth?" I asked her, all eyes seemed to look at her.
"Myth." She answered confidently, I nodded my head.
"Anyone have any different theories?" One boy put his hand up, he sat at the back of the class. I recognise him, but from where... I couldn't tell you.
I pointed at him and he spoke, "I think they're real, I believe in the supernatural and so do my family." I mentally cursed myself his family were fucking hunters, "My family are successful hunters and have been for years."
The class abruptly into an ocean of laughter from his 'ridiculous' story, I looked at Scott and Stiles bluntly and returned to my lesson.

Halfway through the lesson my class started talking, whispering and giggling with each other. "Class, please settle down and copy this into your books." I said, but one girl raised her hand.
"Miss, there's someone at the door." She giggled with her friends shyly.
I looked towards where everyone was staring, the doorway, and saw my two men there. I smiled and told the class to behave because I'd be back in a minute. I left Scott in charge, please don't let me regret doing that...
"Teacher." Klaus stated, but it sounded more like a question. I nodded, "And you didn't think it would be good to tell me?"
I chuckled slightly, "I told you I had a job and I did tell Stefan." He rolled his eyes.
"So you told one of your husbands but not the other?" Klaus smirked.
Yes, 'husbands' as a plural. We are in a polyamorous marriage, since me and Klaus are mates, but Stefan and I are properly together and Klaus and Stefan are relatively on the same page.
"Whatever, I'm teaching right now." I paused, "You guys can watch if you like...?"
The men looked please at their outcome, "come on." I told them entering the room again.

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