He sprinted down the hall until he turned a corner and instantly saw George in a corner holding a gun... covered in blood.

"Geor!-" Dream cut himself off when he stared at the other on the floor.
"What did you do." He felt a pit grow at the back of his throat.

George turned to dream with teary eyes.

.: George POV :.

George smiled, walking down the hall.
"God.." he stretched his arms.
"Today was amazing."

As he was about to walked down to the elevator, he felt something press against his head.. hearing a small click.

George stomach completely dropped- hearing that little click.

"God, you have been such a pest since day one." Foolish spoke firmly, holding the gun up to George's head.
"You were supposed to be gone already." He snapped.
"You weren't supposed to stay this long."

George gulped slightly, staying silent.
"What..?" He mumbled.

"Dream was supposed to sell you to Schlatt, but now your standing here with three pups." Foolish pushed the gun against the back of George's head.
"Your supposed to be gone."

"He wasn't going to sell me." George said firmly, continuing to look forward.
"He would never.... He loves me too much." He snapped.

"That was supposed to be the fucking plan, you want to see for yourself." Foolish held out a paper.
"Look... here's your proof." He continued to hold the gun up.

George hesitantly took the paper, reading it.

It was an email sent by Dream a few days before he got mated to him years ago.


- Dream.

- yes I know foolish, the plan is to get close to this omega and when the time comes I'm going to sell him to Schlatt for millions, even if I have to mate him- I'll make sure Schlatt gets him a bond scrubbing.. as you said, he's just an omega.

But I need to make him trust me before I can sell him.


George's gaze broke, so- Dream was fucking with him? Just to sell him back then- making him pretend he cared about him-

Even if it was so long ago and things , it hurt him- a lot.... Especially so if Dream never told him and kept it a secret all this time.

"Believe me now." Foolish said firmly, continuing to hold the gun at George's head.

"Yes." George gripped the paper, he felt hurt.
"I do." He muttered quietly, feeling- a small tinge of rage towards foolish.

"Dreams a hard man to trust you know." Foolish held the gun up.
"Now, your going to be a good omega and-"

Before foolish finished, George quickly turned- snatching the gun and aimed it at foolish.

Foolish looked back shocked.

"Fuck you." George head tears rolling down his face, pulling the trigger and instantly shooting foolish in the head.

Foolish without a word fell to the ground.

It took George a few moments to realize what he's done... he just killed dreams brother- his mates brother.

George's eyes widened as he fell back, covering his mouth.
"Nononono-" he was covered in blood- foolish's blood.
"I-.. I didn't-"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now