Chapter 7

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Grace Ledger

"He wants to see her," I was steaming, never had I been this angry in my life. 

When Madison's dad left I was upset and terrified the same way anyone else would be, but I also understood why he ran away. I was terrified to and if I could, I would have run away from the whole situation too, but women aren't granted the same privilege. 

Obviously now I'm grateful to not only having raised Madison, but also for knowing her more than anybody else in the world. He decided he wanted to build a relationship with Maddy when we were seventeen and then backed out a couple of moths later because it was all "too much" for him. 

She was upset, asked why he stopped coming around a couple of times, but she was three and eventually forgot about the whole thing. Then he did the same thing when she was nine and she forgave him. 

He asked to see her again when she was fourteen and for once, it seemed promising. They were in contact for an entire 7 months, even whilst I was in rehab for the first time. It was comforting, knowing her dad was looking out for her when I couldn't. 

She had a dance recital coming up and asked him to come. He said yes and when Maddy called to tell me, she was thrilled. I remember it made my heart hurt because I couldn't be there, but at least she wouldn't be allowed. 

My mother bought him a ticket and included him in the post-recital dinner plans, but he never showed. After that night, he stopped answering calls and texts and eventually she stopped trying to reach out. Now I think the only way she'll ever look at him again is if its to spit on him. 

"It's been almost four years and he wants so see her," I said to my co worker, honestly blown away by the entire situation, "There's no way in hell I can let this happen, Jen."

Jen put her cigarette out before throwing it away, tucking her hands into her jeans pockets, "I think you should talk to her, Grace. She's almost an adult now, it's up to her."

I nodded, "Yeah, you're right."

It's definitely not  a conversation I'm excited to have, "We should get back in," I said tiredly, already mentally exhausted by the day's event and it was only four thirty in the afternoon.

Luke Hemmings

"Alright Mr Stevens, how are you feeling today?"

The guy gave me a smile, already getting dialysis, "All's good, Doc."

 Over the last few weeks, he'd become a regular for me and we working towards finding him a liver for a transplant. I turned towards my interns, "Doctor Manning, please brief us on the patient." 

"This is David Stevens, suffers from D.I.L.I or Drug Induced Liver Injury that went undiagnosed for two years. Currently gets dialysis three times a week and is waiting for a possibility for donation," said the young intern, hitting the all the nails right on the head. 

Cases like these always bothered me. A history of excessive alcohol or drug consumption lands patients at the bottom of the transplant list and although it's an understandable prospect, its a hard pill to swallow because some of these people really manage to turn their lives around. 

"Well I have some news," he said, "I'm in the process of getting in contact with my daughter and although the whole organ thing hasn't come up yet, it's a ray of hope, right?." 

I nodded, genuinely happy for him. He'd mentioned wanting to be closer to his daughter for a while, so even if she chooses not to donate or isn't a match, at least it gave him a push to repair their relationship. 

"It sure is," I smiled, shaking his hand. 

After checking his vitals and making sure the dialysis machine was okay, I headed out to see my other patients, running into Calum on the way. 

"You're looking chipper," he chuckled, "Better day than I've been happening, I got puked on already and its only an hour into my shift."

"We might have a liver for my D.I.L.I patient."

His jaw dropped, "From the list?" he said astonished. 

"No but he has a daughter and he thinks she'll be willing to get tested." 

Before he could answer, his pager started to beep, "911 to the ER, gotta run," he yelled heading down the hallway, "Happy for you, man." 


Ok I have a question. I started writing a new book and I was wondering if you guys prefer if I finish one before releasing another or release any new ones I start? Obviously updates would need to alternate between the two. 

Let me know, and make sure to vote and comment, 

Love C <3

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