~ Remember ~

Beginne am Anfang

But there Jack and I are, sitting on the river's edge.

Winter time enters and we are adorned with beanies for the snow and a blanket for warmth.

But yet we are still sitting and talking.

I can tell by the flowers and blossoms on trees that Spring has arrived. Young Jack and I sit on the same rocks and watch two younger girls skip across stones over the deep water. "Layla," I call out, "stay on the shore, the water is fast today."

"Okay, mom," the child groans and her friend chuckles.

"You too, Mary," Jack yells and it seems very brotherly.

"I love you, (Y/n)," she tells me as an apology.

"I love you more," I grin. I still watch the girls with caution as they make their way over the stones.

Until Layla missteps.

Her foot slips.

And she plunges into the river.

"LAYLA!" I scream and frantically get off the rock to run after her. Mary begins crying and Jack doesn't stop long to soothe her before coming after me.

But I don't hesitate.

I dive into the deep river flow.

"Layla swim sideways!!" I order as she shrieks and splashes. Then I grab her before crashing into a fallen branch connected to the edge.

She cries, not loosening her hold on me as I try to push her across to the brim.

"(Y/n) grab my hand!" Jack urges as he bends as far as he can reach. His weight on the wood causes it to creak.

"Take her!" I demand as the branch begins to break but the child doesn't budge.

"Please," she begs. "I'm scared."

"Hey hey, I love you so much," I remind her, "it's gonna be okay," the rough current continuously tests my strength.

She smiles half heartedly, eyes glistening with tears as Jack pulls her up. He turns quickly back to me and his sister grabs hold of the back of his shirt. This time when he leans down on the branch....

It snaps.

"Jack!" I shout as I go under.

"No don't go in!!" a little girls voice cries and all I hear are the echoing screams of my name.

The water is cold as I thrash and tumble beneath it's surface. I go over a bend and into a deeper waters.

In the sky, there is the moon.

Watching down.

I open my eyes gasping for air only to find Jack shaking me - also equally gasping. "Did you see that!?!?" He shouts, slightly shoving his canister in my face.

I catch my shaky breath, "I- I saw.... Something," I manage to get out. "What did you see?"

"It was me!!!" He yells, pulling me to my feet and placing his arms on my shoulders. "I had a family!! I had a sister!!" I stare at him, remembering the image of his sister. "I saved her," he tells me, looking down suddenly. "And then there was you?" He says it like he's asking me. "You (Y/n)...." His voice trails off as he looks up at me, "I think I saw you die."

"Well," I say, "I definitely saw myself die," the idea of it makes me laugh, confused and awkward, although dying is very much not funny.

"You were there though," Jack makes clear, "in the beginning of the- the memory thing."

I examine him slowly, "I also saved my sister..." the silence between us is loud enough to know what we are both thinking.

We knew each other before this.

Jack ponders my words before looking up to the sky through the tops of the glacier. "That's why he chose us," he says, glaring at the moon. "We are Guardians," he spells out, looking back at me.

"We have to get out of here," I announce and reach down to find Baby Tooth back in my pocket.

"I doubt you can carry me across the fricking Atlantic," Jack leaves me and rushes over to his broken staff.

"Pacific," I correct. The little fairy and I watch as he grabs both pieces and frantically tries to join them together. He groans as it fails for a second time. "Jack," I soothe but then I see soft blue illuminate from the broken edges.

With that.

We leave.


Frost and Rain - Jack Frost x reader (f)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt