A letter to a brother

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Dear Sirius ,

Where do I even start ?
I m sorry
, I m so sorry for failing you.
I m sorry for repeatedly hurting you when all you wanted was best for me .
I m sorry for being a prejudiced brat my guilt has no bounds
But I m not sorry for being sorted in slytherin. Not all slytherins are bad or evil or vile although I may have been one of the worse ones .

I m also not sorry when you for cursing you when you left me all alone , leaving me all alone with our parents in grimmauld without even saying goodbye or asking me , because believe me if you had asked me to leave with you I would have not even hesitated to say yes but I regret not trying to make amends and fix things between us after that .

I know I have hurt you in several ways and for that I m ashamed and I know a simple sorry is not going to fix anything .
I was wrong and you were right , you were always the better one out of both of us . The one who had courage the one who could do things I wouldn't dream off, the one who could stand up against what's wrong .

When we were children we used to be so close and then we grew apart like the sun and moon who were once close but then fell apart like petals of a withered rose . I used to look up to you , you were my idol but during my hogwarts years I thought you disgraced , now once again you are my idol and I take inspiration from you to do the right thing .

I hope my actions will help you and the others in the future , what action s I cannot say in risk of this letter getting intercepted but know this and beware you absolutely cannot trust Peter Pettigrew he is a death eater , this may come as a shock and you may not believe me but be cautious for I have seen him in multiple death eater meetings.

You and Lupin are very precious together and I commend you for having such courage for coming out . What was it that Potter went screaming around during hogwarts .... today I quote him and say in the wise words of James Potter "I support wolfstar

I may never meet you again , but I will always be by your side in some form brother mine .
I m sorry for all the pain I have caused you , I really am and hope that someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me , pls don't be alarmed when you see my name disappear off the tapestry.

Take care of yourself and live your life happy ,
I m sorry I failed you ,
Good bye my sun

Your moon

The moon was right the letter did get intercepted and never reached the sun , a very treacherous rat was to blame .

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