A letter to a friend

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James ,
You goofy stag ,

How are you ? I m sorry for cutting all relations with you after my graduation and I am well aware it's been ages since we last spoke, I regret to tell you that this will truly be the last time I speak to you in this life .

Remember in my sixth year and your seventh year you had challenged me that you would make me grow a conscience and rid me of prejudice  well congratulations old friend you won . Although Sirius has tried a lot to get me to change my ways you were that straw that broke the stack , the one who tipped me over the brim , the one who convinced me to see the truth .

I well remember in my sixth year how happy had you been when I no longer believed in blood supremacy and how disappointed and horrified you were when I took the mark  despite you thinking I had change which I had , that was the last day we spoke .

The reason I took the mark was because I thought that if I knew what the dark lord was up too I could help stop him no matter what my loved ones thought of me at least I d keep them safe , and what do you know finally my plan bore it's fruits.

I have finally orchestrated a plan it may not kill the dark lord but without me doing this there is no hope for defeating him either . I hope to correct my mistakes from the past even if the cost is my life .

Thank you James I owe you a lot , thank you for taking care of Sirius  for being better brother then me a brother he deserved,  thank you for helping me at my times of indecisiveness , and thank you in general for giving me of all the excellent memories I have , you may not know this but you have played a huge part in my life. Without you stopping my attempt to jump off the astronomy tower and then listening to my drunken worries at the last day of fifth year , the  day when we first spoke I don't know what I would've ve done .

You ve got a heart of gold James , why else would you stop a prejudiced boy from jumping , why would you listen to a known dark families son's worries , why else would you risk the wrath of my brother and be friends with me in secret , why else would you care about me and try to change me for better . Never change James never change .

As I write my last words to you , I hope you live a happy life filled with love and laughter , please take care of yourself and Sirius and I m sorry for causing you pain .

Thank you for everything
I hope someday you can forgive me .


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