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Pete's POV:
With the progress of pregnancy everything and everyone began to change. Tin, Can, P'Daisy and Uncle Rong were more concerned about me whereas the people from my college began to look down on me. The Alphas especially were looking at me with such a gaze that I couldn't even stand it. Lust clearly dripping from their faces.

People scribbled slangs on my desk calling me whore, slut and lot other things. My locker too was filled with letters that said how disgusting I was.

I was slowly dying from inside. Meals no more tasted good, nothing around me made me happy. Rather than smiling, each night I was going to bed after crying. Sleep too had evaded me. I was tossing in bed wide awake.

Eye bags had already developed and I lost weight which was really bad for my little pup. Can and Tin took me to doctor who injected IV in order to restore some of the vital fluids inside my body.

It was one of the gloomy days when I arrived at the college. Can was in heat so he couldn't come. He already made arrangements for my pick up and dropping. I stepped out of the car and was headed in the direction of the class when some of the omegas began to circle around me.

I was scared and my inner omega was beginning to go in protective mode. "You bitch! You better not try to get close to my man. Got it?" "How can you be so shameless to appear at the college even after so many insults?" "Looks like you are here for hook up." They began to torture me with their words. Slowly approaching me and then snatching the things from my hands. They opened my bag and dropped the books on floor. Some of them began to tear the pages apart while the other began to throw water over them. "Stop!! Please stop!!! Let me go!!" I begged. But they were not ready to listen.

"Stop right there!!" The loud voice of an alpha made all of them freeze in their place and retrieve back. "You better leave this place right now before I tear each one of you apart!!" The snarl coming from the alpha made them scared and they soon disappeared.

Tin approached me cautiously and began to collect my stuff. "I am sorry Pete... I was late to protect you." He said with guilty tone while handing my stuff back to me. "It's alright Tin..." I said in between sobs.

It wasn't his fault that this things were happening with me. Choosing to keep the pup was my decision and they were facing consequences of it. "I am sorry Tin... I am dragging you and Can into this." I said. I knew well that it was my mistake to get them involved in this matter.

"Pete, you are not responsible for anything. It's not your mistake that you are not marked. And you know very well to whom this child belongs to. People will always find a way to torture someone or else. And don't you dare feel guilty for me and Can. We are friends and we will stick together." Tin spoke.

It did assure me little but I was not completely ready to face everyone. "Tin, can you drop me to restaurant. I don't think I'll be able to attend the lectures. Moreover, I am feeling really low." I pleaded. I knew returning home will get me much more anxious so I thought of going for work.

Tin arranged for a vehicle to drop me to the work place. When I arrived P'Daisy was concerned about me but I assured her that everything was fine. She didn't ask me much but I guess Tin would have already told her everything.

I sat on the counter doing my work. I didn't know how long it had been that I was working. The timing of closure was close and I could see people walking out of the place. The restaurant was getting emptied as we were nearing closing time. Just then, one of the customer walked out of the restaurant.

When she opened the door, a gust of air blew in bringing in a strong smell of alpha. My alpha... He was here!!

I immediately left my place and rushed outside to see him. I can smell him and it was very strong. I followed the scent that lead to a little distance and slowly began to fade away. I chased it with all my strength till it was complete dissolved in air and I couldn't find where he was headed to.

My Alpha?? (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now