Lime Green, Specifically.

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Diagon Alley, July 1972

I sat at a table outside Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour, four tables away sat the insufferable gryffindor clique. Consisting of Alice Fortescue, Marlene Mckinnon, the mudblood Lily Evans, along with blood traitors Sirius Black, James Potter, the werewolf Remus Lupin who seems to think nobody knows his secret. Oddly enough, the rat-like Pettigrew boy wasn't with them this time.

I stared at James and Lily for awhile, realizing how much they despise each other not knowing they'll have a baby together one day. I watched then closely, realizing one day they'll all gather around for the very last time without realizing it'll be the last time. The visions showed me everything, some of it can be prevented by knowing to pre existing location on the so-called "chosen one" but Lily and James will never be the same. I know we need to kill them, and hopefully in the process it'll prevent me from having to assist Bellatrix in torturing Alice and Frank Longbottom.

I was broken from my trance when Theo took his seat across from me.

"So Darling, big day, huh? Are you excited for tomorrow?"

"More like nervous. Estrella Malfoy is a wonderful woman but this wedding has gone to her head. Is it possible to ruin your own wedding? I'm sure she'd have me sent to Azkaban for it."

Theo laughed, but he knew the likelihood of Estrella going mad over this ceremony. During Lucius' 12th birthday, Theo and I spilled pumpkin juice on one of the curtains in the foyer. Estrella nearly fainted when she noticed.

In my visions, Theo junior was just like his father— a well mannered menace to society. I saw a lot of my friends children, including the child my husband shares with Narcissa Black. I'd be lying to myself if I said it didn't eat away at me daily, but it's not the sort of thing you can talk about.

I also saw the children of my enemies, Neville Longbottom was just like his mother, but a splitting image of his father. The Weasley children all reminded me of the Prewett twins, along with a bit of Arthur himself. Luna Lovegood had a bit too much of her basket case of a father in her, but looked exactly like her mother.

The more I saw, the harder it became to convince myself that I was doing the right thing. Yes, we need to purify the wizarding world but do so many futures really need to be changed because of it?

"What's got you thinking so hard?" Came a voice from behind me.

Lucius, the one person who might understand the conflict happening inside of me. But would he?

Lucius isn't the one who has the visions, he isn't as invested in this the way I am.

"Just the wedding, I'm nervous." I said, standing up from my chair

I stood on my tip toes and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him softly before pulling away from the embrace.

"Nothing to be nervous about, doll. Except one small thing." Lucius said as he pulled my chair out so I could sit back down.

"Oh no, what is it?"

"Is it about a.. uh- certain wedding guest?" Theo asked, squirming is his seat.

"Wedding guest? We already have the full guests list, Lucius! Our wedding is tomorrow!"

"Oh, you didn't hear?" Came a voice from four tables over. Sirius Black.

"The entire Black family has been invited to the wedding, I won't be attending of course— I'm rather busy doing literally anything else."

"Narcissa..." I said under my breath.

"Darling, just take a second." Theo begged me.

"Who invited her?!"

"Your father did.." Lucius told me, reaching for my hand.

I stood in the mirror, my hair pinned behind my head and my makeup done immaculately. I ran my hands over the silklike material of Estrella's wedding dress— wondering how I managed to get here. At the beginning of the year I hardly knew Lucius, and now I feel a love for him I've never felt in my life. Today, the only thing I want to think about is my wedding and the life I'll have with the man I love.

"You look wonderful." Estrella's voice floated in from behind me.

"Absolutely gorgeous my sweet girl." Came my mother's voice.

These two women, the mother who raised me and the woman who raised my soon-to-be husband, have given me everything I could possibly ask for. Estrella made my wedding perfect, and my mother made me perfect.

I knew in a few minutes I'd walk down the isle and stare the love of my life in the eyes as I promised my heart to him. In a few minutes I'd no longer be the girl everyone assumed was incapable of love, I'd be Dalilah Malfoy, the girl who married for love.

"It's time, Dalilah." My father said to me, tears in his eyes.

We walked down the marble staircase, all eyes on me as I held the train of my dress from dragging across the floor. As we descended, my palms began to sweat, I was nervous.

Until my eyes landed on Lucius, standing at the alter with tears in his eyes. He smiled at me and all my nerves settled, he was my safe space.

When my father and I reached the alter, he took my face in his hands and nodded, as if he was proud of me.

Lucius and I wrote our own vows, since nothing written by anybody else could possibly express the feelings we have.

"Lucius Malfoy, the love I prayed for but never imagined I'd find, you complete me. You made me grateful for the air I breathe, for the life that I live. You make me see things in a different light, and I'm forever thankful to have met you. You helped me fix things about myself— things I didn't know were broken until you came around. As I stand here today, hand in hand with the man of my dreams, I'm a better person. I'm the best possible version of myself, and I pray I continue to grow by your side for the rest of our lives."

My wedding went exactly as I'd hoped. Estrella didn't have to ship anyone off to Azkaban for ruining anything, and Lucius and I were as happy as we've ever been.

Until it came time for dinner afterwards, the door to Malfoy Manor flew open, and in walked the abandoned child of the Noble House of Black, Narcissa.

She waltzed in wearing a cream colored ball gown, which would have been beautiful if it wasn't worn at my wedding. My eyes were locked on her, so focused on containing my rage to notice my husband standing up beside me.

"Lucius! How I've missed you." She exclaims, running towards my husband.

"No, Narcissa. You're not welcomed here. You need to leave."

"Who says she isn't welcomed? I invited her myself." Came my fathers voice, drunk and reeking of fire whiskey.

I couldn't contain it any longer, I stood up— wand in hand, ready to blow her to pieces. I almost leaped over the table when I felt someone grab me, restraining me.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" I was kicking and screaming, all but throwing a full blown tantrum.

"Darling, DARLING LISTEN TO ME! It's not worth it. She never has been and never will be worth you being shipped off to Azkaban."

After my friends had escorted both Narcissa and my father out, I was ready to fall into bed and let this whole day slip away from me. I sat on the edge of our bed, the one we now shared— and I watched him lay there fast asleep. Nothing made me happier than knowing he was safe and comfortable. I stood up to use the restroom, feeling as if I could throw up and I stood in front of the mirror. Closing my eyes, all I saw were flashes of green, lime green specifically.

"The girl knows, My Lord." A voice said in her head.

"She knows what exactly?"

"She can see that you've created them, she knows where they are and how to destroy them."

"And what, pray tell, does she plan to do with this information?"

"I think she wants to.. help you."

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