Blood Traitor

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Professor Slughorn was an elite potions professor, but he had a quirky personality. Tonight, he invited most of the slytherin and a few gryfindors to his "Slug Club".

"Are you going to that thing?" My friend, Theodore Nott asked me

"Yeah, right after I slay a dragon." I said as I rolled my eyes.

Theo laughed, put his arm around me and walked me to charms. Anyone who saw Theo and I together would assume we were dating, but that was just absurd. We have been best friends practically since we were born. The Nott's and the Darling's spent almost every holiday together, for as long as I can remember. It made sense, pure blooded families stick together. It's just the way things go.

"Dalilah, Theo." I heard a voice shout from behind me.

I turned and saw none other than the infamous Narcissa Black.

"Yes, Cissy?" I spat at her.

"Have either of you seen Greengrass? I've looked everywhere for her and she wasn't in transfiguration this morning."

"I'm pretty sure I heard my sister say she hasn't even left the dorm, try there." Theo told her as he spun on his heels to walk away.

Theo's little sister, Victoria, was a year below us and a royal pain in my ass. Quite literally, since everyone thought she was some sort of princess. Apparently I'm the only one who remembers her sticking her wand up her nose in her first year.


After our morning classes, Theo wandered off as I made my way to the great hall for lunch. I delicately sat in my seat positioned between Francis Crabbe and Derick Parkinson. Besides Theo, the two boys annoyed me the least of my slytherin family.

"Rough day so far, Darling?" Francis said, pouring a glass of pumpkin juice.

"You have no idea, the sight of that girl makes my blood boil."

"Jealousy isn't a good look on you." Derick chimes in.

I rolled my eyes and started filling my plate. And just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, Narcissa comes and sits directly across from me, next to Lucius. I'm not jealous of their relationship, she's just a disgrace to the pureblood community.

"Don't you have some mudbloods you would rather be spending time with?" I said half yawning, bored by her presence.

My friends laughed, knowing her blood traitor status.

"What? Honestly Dalilah, you can't judge me because of who I'm friends with."

"Oh but the oh so noble house of Black would beg to differ. Tell me, how does your family feel about your muggleborn friends?"

"Darling, that's enough." Theo said, taking his seat next to Malfoy.

"You don't need to defend me, Theodore." Narcissa said in a hushed tone.

"I'm out of here, she tainted the mood just as she'll taint the blood of her family." I spat as I walked out of the great hall.

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