"You look so beautiful" He whispered as he looked at my reflection in the mirror.  I just smiled and leaned my head against him, "Have you felt anything yet?" 

"I don't think so, but I'm just now 12 weeks so it should be happening anytime now" I said with a sigh, turning to face him "Are you ready to figure out what we are having?" I knew the answer, but I loved seeing his excitement

"I'm beyond ready, I can't wait" He said with a toothy grin as he pulled me in for a kiss, 

"We should probably go then" I said as I reached for a shirt. 

"Wait, we have to get your 12 week picture" Josh said running over and grabbing the camera, I rolled my eyes playfully as he pointed it towards me, "Come on, pose for me baby" He said with a smile, 

"Fine" I said, I put my hands over my belly and looked to the camera and smiled, Josh grinned as the camera clicked.  "Perfection.  Alright, now we can go."  He placed the camera on the bed and I put on a shirt.  We got in the car and headed to the appointment.  I was sitting on the exam table when the doctor finally came in.  Josh immediately came to my side, taking my hand. 

"How are you feeling Rhiannon? Hows the morning sickness?"  She asked as she took a seat, but all I could focus on was the file in her hand.   

"I've been getting sick every once in a while but nothing awful" I replied quickly, 

"Good, just stay hydrated and take your prenatals.  So, do you want gender result or test results first?" She looked between me and Josh.  

"Gender first please" Josh said, gripping my hand with both of his, we both held our breath.  We didn't care what we were having, we were just so happy to finally know.  

"It's a girl!" The doctor said cheerfully.  Josh and I both looked to each other with huge smiles.  He hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.  "Now we need to go over your test results before we start the scan," Josh gripped my hands tighter, "Rhiannon everything looks good on your end, but there is a result I want to make you aware of.  The baby did have positive results for the down syndrome marker."  I felt my heart jump into my throat as I looked over to see how Josh would react.  It changed nothing for me, personally.  

"Doc you made me nervous for a second" He sighed with a small laugh of relief, "What I'm hearing is that both my girls are happy and healthy?" I looked at him and remembered why I loved him so much.  My Josh.   My husband and the future father of my babies.  He leaned over rubbing my back and kissing my temple.  

"Correct," the doctor said with a smile, "Lets take a look at how she's growing and get you some pictures." Josh was basically bouncing in his spot at this point.  The screen lit up and Josh's smile grew, 

"I know that I'm looking at this time" He said proudly, "Look at our little girl love, she's so little." 

"She is tiny" I replied with a soft smile.  We finished the scan and got our pictures.  We scheduled our next appointment the same day Sloan was supposed to find out the gender of the twins.  We got out to the car and were on the way home when I decided I wanted to bring something up with Josh.  "Babe, you've heard of the term rainbow baby right?  he nodded, "So, I was thinking for her name, what do you think of Aurora, like the northern lights..?" I asked, resting my hand on my bump.  I froze when I felt movement, I quickly grabbed Josh's hand and pressed it against my belly, "Do you feel that?!" I asked excitedly, and he grinned from ear to ear, 

"I do feel it" He said quietly as he held back tears, "I guess thats our answer then, we have to name her Aurora.  Plus, I love it." He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. 

"I thought I was supposed to be the emotional one" I said playfully and he just rolled his eyes, 

"I can't help it, I just love you both so much."  He said as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve.  

"We love you too."  I said, looking down at my bump.  

****10 week time jump*****

"Where do you want this Rhiannon?" Sam asked as he and Danny carried in a dresser, 

"That goes in the babies room" I said.  I was sitting with Sloan at the table in Josh and I's new house.  We both had our feet propped up on chairs as we ate our milkshakes, telling the boys where to put furniture.  

"Hows that strawberry milkshake beautiful?" Josh asked as he placed a box on the kitchen counter.  

"Perfect, thanks for picking them up for us babe" I said with a smile, blowing him a kiss.  He jumped to catch it and then pretended to put it in his pocket.   Me and Sloan both had pretty big bumps now, I was 22 weeks and she was 18.  Today was the day we were going with her to find out the gender of the twins.  Once the guys had brought in all the furniture and boxes Sam and Danny headed back to their houses.   We all piled into Jakes car, heading to the doctor.  You could tell who had been pregnant before and who hadn't.  Sloan was wearing sweats and a tshirt, she was still as stunning as ever though.  I was wearing a mustard yellow top with maternity overalls over it, and bandana tying my hair back.   

"So we can start planning the baby shower after today right?" Josh asked as we pulled into the parking lot, 

"Yes Josh" Me and Sloan both said in unison, causing Jake to laugh.  We walked inside and the nurse gave a smile, I was sure everyone in that office knew our wild situation and was amused by it.  We did my scan first, everything was normal and Josh was just as giddy as ever, maybe more.  Next was Sloan, she was on the exam table and Josh and I stood next to her.  Josh was standing behind me with his arms around my waist as  I held Sloan's hand.  I would forever be so grateful to her for this.  

"There they are" The doctor said with a smile, Jake was standing by Sloan's head, petting her hair as they both looked at the screen.   "They are being very cooperative so if you're ready I can tell you."  She looked to me and Josh, 

"You know...maybe we don't want to know" I said jokingly, messing with Josh, 

"You hush, stop teasing me" He said with a laugh, "We are ready to know," 

"You're little girl will have a little sister, and brother" she said pointing to the screen. Josh let go of me and stepped closer to the screen, 

"A boy?! Did you say girl AND boy?!" He asked excitedly, I knew how badly he was hoping for a boy to be at least 1 out of 3 since this was probably our only chance.   

"Yes sir" She replied and her eyes got wide as Josh hugged her.  Jake, Sloan and I just laughed.  

"Baby," He sighed coming back over to me, "2 girls and a boy" He said softly this time as he hugged me again.  "I can't wait to meet them all"  

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