Chapter 4: Prison Riot

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Meeko's P.O.V-

I sit there still amazed and confused on what the Pikachu unleashed, until I found out my eye was doing it again. I slowly breathed in and out to calm myself down, my eye turned back to crimson red and I let out a sigh of relief.

I look back at Raiden.

"Gosh... note to self, do not totally freak out about somebody doubting your life goals." The Mouse pokemon says to himself while dusting himself off.

"This Pikachu has insane power... He even triggered mine..." He thought to himself until he snapped out of it to say something.

"Hey, could you probably go off the deep end with my cuffs too!" Meeko said.

"Oh right, your still restrained hehe." He walks over then tries to pull the cuffs out, they easily transpired out the concrete wall.

"Whoa! That's some amazing strength you got there Raid!" The emanation pokemon complimented him. "Heh, yeah... It's probably cause of my little outburst there earlier, sorry about that though." He said while gaping at his paws, he's even questioning on how could do that.

"It's alright.. I mean, you did just break out of rusty handcuffs and freed both of us out, that was pretty outstanding!" Meeko said thankfully.

The Pikachu blushed and rubbed his head at his kind acclamation. "Hehe, well you know, I try!"

"Heh... Now!" The emanation Pokemon's gleeful face turns into a serious face. "We're no longer imprisoned, so now all we have to do is find a way out of here!" He says with a very valorous expression.

"And.. save my sister?"

"er- yeah, that too!"

"Great, so just try to find a way out of these enormous dungeon and most likely millions of stairs just to find my sister get the hell out of here... What could go wrong!"

Time skip

"I am feeling so much remorse on what I just said an hour ago!"

They were walking down a bunch of stairs that go in a hoop-like perpendicular motion which had many floors to go to.

"Man, my legs feel gripe everywhere... And there so short!" The electric mouse exclaimed in great discomfort.

I hear ya bud, I feel like there gonna give out any second now." He replied.

They then see a light emanating from down the stairs, they walk in.

"Another room filled with empty cages, why do locking up other mon sound like a rare thing here?" Raiden asks. "Heh, it's complicated, I really hate this kingdom..." He sweat drops from his little interrogation.

There conversation ended when they heard footsteps coming from the other stair case, they both gasped.

The figure was a Lucario sweating and panting heavily from hiking all those stairs.

"Oh Arceus... I wonder who was the wise guy who built this kingdoms design." The Lucario said, he then looked over at us.

There was complete silence for a minute, he then spoke up.

"Your not supposed to be here." He questioned to us.

"......I may not always end up where I thought I was going, but I will always end up where im meant to be......" I said with a not so calm expression.

"...Nice one..." Raiden whispered at him.

The Lucario then shot a focus blast at us, we barely dodged that one.

"Okay, that was really uncalled for!" Raiden remarked in frustration.

The Lucario summoned a bone rush and lunged to us, repeatedly swinging it at us.

"Alright, I feel like it is a rule to have bone rush in your moveset in this place." The mouse pokemon sarcastically pronounced while dodging the attacks.

"It's a very common move for lucario's of course... Also we think it's cool." I replied.

"Yeah, take the defectives word for it kid!" The blue jackal pokemon said.

"Alright then, Time to get serious!"

He goes on all fours saying that he is ready for a battle.

"Let's just hope that your ready to get your ass kicked!" Meeko said.

"Bring it on!"


So sry for the long wait, I've been so busy with school work and other stuff, definitely not been slacking off playing Pokemon diamond... So yeah. Still very sry, Hope you have a good day everyone and Stay sparky⚡.

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