Chapter 3: What is this power?

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"Uhh..." Raiden woke up groggily, his sight seeming to be blurry making him unable to see clearly. The Pikachu felt a sharp pain on his paws, Finally his sight cleared and has now noticed that he was trapped in a old cell cage with old rusty bars and behind him is a thick and rough cement wall, as he tried to get up he was suddenly his paws were pulled back by cuffs.

"Where am I?" He said in his head, trying to squeeze his paws out of the cuffs. "Ugh my head...what happened?"

Raiden thought for a moment, remembering the recent events that happened the last time, he looked around to see if there was anything here to get him out. He looked to his side and saw a familiar Riolu sitting down next to him with a stoic expression in the same position as him.

"Meeko? What the heck happened?" He asked the Riolu, "We were arrested because of me being a fugitive to this place." He said.

"What, why did we get arrested then? your the fugitive here!" He loudly asked, "Hey! You and your little sister were arrested for trespassing in to their property, these guys are really protective of their territory so their is nothing we can do about that." He loudly replied to Raiden.

"Hm... Wait where's Joules? Oh no oh no I gotta go find her!" He shouted out, "Whoa calm down, your little squirrel sibling is in another cell right in floor eight." The Riolu said with an obnoxious tone.

"Alright and want floor are we in?" He asked, "The first floor."

"Oh okay....wait THE FIRST FLOOR! AND JOULES IS IN EIGHTH FLOOR, THAT'S SO FAR AWAY!" He shouted while slouching, "Again Calm down, look I wouldn't bother going down there with all those traps and guards just scattered down there even if I had a death wish on my paws, so there's no saving your sister." He told him, Raiden couldn't stand having his sister in such harm, he has been training his whole life for tough situations like this so he was basically prepared.

"Hm...Okay I know that now, wait- where are we anyway?" He asked, "Man you love asking questions, were in a place that's too dangerous to even describe and Is so secretive nobody has ever heard of it before, were in... The Lucario Kingdom!" The riolu Answered, "A place where only lucario's and riolu's come to live in anyway they want, no other Mon is allowed to step foot in this whole kingdom and no Mon ever will as they say." He explained.

"Wait but if riolu's are also allowed here then why did you get arrested?" He asked him. "Well it's...kinda hard to explain, I'm not really... Normal."

"Huh?" The Pikachu tilted his head in confusion.

Meanwhile With Joules

"UGHHHH, I'm so bored! Can we please play something" An Emolga was whining in cage with a Lucario holding a bone guarding it, "No, will you please be quiet and act like nice little baby!" The lucario said, "I'm ten and Your no fun!" She said crossing her arms.

"What, no I'm plenty of fun."

"Then why aren't you playing with me!" She asked, "BECAUSE... Playing is for children and I'm an adult, and I'm working right now as you can see, my life as a guard will always be a part of me and will never leave." He replied.

"Oh come on, you know this whole guard thing isn't endless... Nothing does." She exclaimed in an opinionated way. "Everything in life is temporary, if things are going good, enjoy it cause it won't last forever if things are going bad, sometimes you have to accept that certain things will never constantly repeat, don't do that...all you got to do is live life the way you want to, Live life!"she continued.

"Since when are you the voice of reason?" He replied, "What was I talking about again?" She said, "And she's back."

"Can we play now!"

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