Chapter 2: Friend or Foe

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Raiden's P.O.V

The new beginning of our lives as new adventurers started off... not very well, we actually have been going on real crazy stuff lately like once we definitely weren't just attacked in a cave by a flock of zubats and their leader crobat, or almost got tossed off a cliff by a bunch of nidoran's who got mad just because we stole some of their village's berry's, or almost got killed by a huge steelix just because we woke it up from it's sleep... Actually that was our most dangerous situation we had yet cause you know type-advantages.

Okay I'm getting off track here so anyway, we were walking down a forest path while feeling tired from all that stuff we have been through.

Joules: -groans-"I'm so exhausted, how close are we getting to that town?"

Raiden: -takes out map- "Hmm... it says it's only 200 meters away."

Joules: "Ugh, if only I could fly this would be much faster."

Raiden: "There is no other way except for walking so you can't possibly argue with that."

Joules: "You run faster than me so why not a piggyback ride."

Raiden: "Well uh... Damn your so smart for your age and yet so cute."

Joules: -smirks- "Hehe,Yeah that's what I thought."

Suddenly there was stick break sound from a distance.

Joules: "Wha-"

Raiden: "Get behind me!"

I was in a fight stance to be ready for what's about to come, just then joules was launched into the air by a rope and hanging upside down.

Raiden: "Oh no, sis how did this even happen?"

Joules: "I did absolutely nothing and this happened, there I told you."

Raiden: -groans- "I'll get you down come on."

Just then joules caught a glimpse of another rope on the ground.

Joules: "RAIDEN WAIT!"

Raiden: "Huh- AHH!"

Raiden got pulled up by a rope upside down.

Joules: -snickers-

Raiden: "Don't! Now who even did this anyway."

???: "Are you here to kill me!"

Raiden: "Huh who said that?"

There was a dark figure on a tree branch.

Raiden: "Uh w-who is t-that?"

Joules: "N-no i-idea."

Me and joules were completely scared out of our minds from that

???: "You didn't answer my question, are you here to kill me."

Raiden: "What... Why would we be here to kill you when we don't even know who you are?"

???: "There is a possibility that you would want to."

Raiden: "I know there is a possibility that we would Not now maybe tell us who you are so we can move on."

???: "Ugh fine."

The figure jumped off the tree and walked out the darkness soon revealing a Riolu with golden yellow eyes and a giant scar across his right eye.

Meeko: "O-okay, i-i'm Meeko Supreme."

Joules: "Nice dramatic entrance."

Meeko: "Thank you but shut it now tell me what your here for."

Raiden: "Maybe let us down first and then we'll tell you."

Meeko: "How could I know if I could trust you, what if your bad pokemon who is coming out to get me, probably put me in a cage with a bunch of locks so I never get out and maybe do all kind of weird experiments on me."

Raiden: "Okay that's an extremely specific concern and also do we really look like bad Pokemon to you."

Meeko: "Huh, well I never really thought it of like that before, I really need to rethink things more clearly."

Raiden: "...And get us free."

Meeko: "Oh yeah right, sorry."

After he let us free we started explaining the whole shit that we were going through.

Joules: "And yeah that's kind of it..."

Meeko: "......"

Raiden: "We know, it's a lot to process."

Meeko: "Jeez, how did you even wake that steelix up?"

Joules: "Yeah, I kind of-"

Raiden: "Threw a rock at it for no reason..."

Meeko: "That's it, wow this writer is lazy as shit."

Raiden: "Dude, fourth wall!"

Meeko: "Sorry i-"

Suddenly a bunch of lucario's holding bone rush's jumped down and surrounded us.

Lucario guard 1: "Well well well..."

Lucario guard 2: "Well-"

Lucario guard 1: "Only three wells idiot!"

Lucario guard 2: "Sorry..."

Lucario guard 1: "We finally found the riolu defective, Put your hands in the air!"

Raiden: -puts hands in the air- "Riolu defective?"

Meeko: "It's a long story."

Joules: "Yay, another long story."

Lucario guard 3: -Points bone at joules- "Your coming with us peasants!"

Joules: "Hey, watch it!"

Meeko: -grunts-

Raiden: "Why do I have a bad feeling about this..."

Meeko: "Oh assure you it's about to get worse."

Raiden: "Hope it doesn't end with being unconscious-"

Soon we got hit in the head hard by the lucario's making us lose body strength and losing consciousness.

Raiden: "Perfect."

I fall down and everything went dark.

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