Strange...I thought the heals would work on those things too. Is it because it's a sickness and status ailment rather than a damage?

Everyone's a lot happier now that the fighting has ended, but they are still aggressively searching for any hidden goblins in the area both within the small keep and without.

By now it's almost time for evening to begin.

Everyone has chipped in to make a homemade rock pile wall in the hole in the keep wall. It won't keep stuff out if it really wants to get in, but it will slow everything down enough to shoot stuff to death that gets close to the gate.

"Hurry! We need to close that up fast before they send any scouts back!" Svinn cried out to the men working on it.

Asakura and I are warming up around a big fire, near Rina who is now cowering in as many blankets as she can. We've gotten her settled and have Deinan, the servant girl watching over her. Deinan is now feeding her soup much like she would a child, which is kind of funny since the girl is a dwarf and much smaller than she is.

"Hey are you guys warm?" a voice called out to us.

Svinn is here waving at us and he has a couple of odd looking dwarves with him. Their uniforms are completely different than the others. Where most dwarves have a strange medieval or steam punk medieval like look in their clothing, these two are clearly mages and in robes instead. I can feel the energy on them even while they are studying me and they can probably feel the same. But there are marked differences.

It's still a bit subtle but I think my impression of magic was right even though I'm tempted to second guess myself.

One is dressed in...strange...robes made and woven from metal thread. I didn't even think that was possible but it is and it gives the clothes a very nice rich shiny look and the feel of someone important. The other has a look almost like a plain clothes dwarf but is carrying a huge backpack and lots of tools, which I don't recognize. Perhaps his look is designed to blend in with the crowd and normal people instead, much like a travelling craftsman kind of flavor. He doesn't seem less powerful than the other, but just less showy.

This close up they can tell I'm one too and there's like an instant staring contest and I feel my hair stand on end. Are they trying to read me? I don't feel them trying to break into my mind but why is my hair feeling like it's standing up end? There's also a problem that they don't have the language enchant, which is kind of bizarre in a way. Not everyone gets it, it seems.

Why wouldn't the mages have the language enchant?

"I'll be the interpreter for now," Svinn said to confirm for us. "Also our men are going to share some good home brew with you all for saving our town." He points to where the dwarves are gathering near us.

Around us in the background the dwarves have also busted out huge barrels of dwarven beer and they are having a victory celebration. It's starting to get really rowdy and lively but they are happy and feel safe so I don't mind, even though I'm not used to the noise. They are cheering suddenly too, and their young woman are standing on tables dancing for the crowd showing off. That's got them really excited now.

I was a bit distracted, curious what dwarven girls looked like. I didn't want to separate from Asakura or have interest in them over her but its my first time seeing young dwarven girls that aren't old men. They look similar to human girls almost. In a way they resemble short teenagers, but unlike human culture, they dance fully clothed in clothes similar to a barmaid. They do show off a little cleavage but other than that there isn't much skin showing.

I feel Asakura's hand take mine. She's probably hoping I won't forget her and be interested in other girls. I turn towards her and feel her eyes looking deep into mine with a mild smile.

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