Patience Is The Answer

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HalaHala!Ateez x Regural!Ateez

¦Angst, Fluff¦


Dark Hongjoong twirled the tall glass of champagne in his fingers, his eyes penetrating Hongjoong's soul. It was as if his eyes could see inside of him, ready to reveal his deepest secrets. Not that he couldn't. After all, he was Hongjoong, and Hongjoong was him. He knew what he wanted, without even speaking.

"Is this how the night is going to go? Is no-one going to talk?" Wooyoung said exasperated. They had spent almost twenty minutes just staring at each other, not one of the two parties opening their mouths.

In case you were wondering what was going on, it is fairly easy to explain. Ateez were invited yet again by their dark personas to dinner. It had been a habit of theirs since their first meeting.

Ateez were oblivious of the existence of their dark counterparts, in contrast with the others. Dark Ateez were created the same time as the rest, but they were to remain hidden so as to not disturb the peace and order of the world. Every other person had this side of them, but they were not to meet under any circumstances. The dark versions were living in a different dimension, somewhere far away. But that didn't mean that they couldn't travel between worlds.

The only way the two different parallels could travel to one world or the other was with the help of an hourglass. Or so the myths told. No-one really paid attention to that, thinking that it was just a tale, something to tell and pass their time. They didn't seem too curious about it. Until one group did.

The Dark Ateez had stumbled upon some papers and gained the information they needed. Their curious nature helped a lot in this, and with time, they managed to find the legendary hourglass. Words could not describe the way they felt, they were finally going to meet their other selves. But they had to be careful. They had no idea what they would do once they met them, how they would react, heck they didn't even know if they knew they existed. Probably not. But they would have to worry about that later.


Yunho was the first to meet them. He was getting ready for a date with his boyfriends and he was looking at himself in the mirror, fixing some minor details. He was combing his hair, but for some reason the brush fell from his hand. He bend down to pick it up, but when he looked up he saw someone in the mirror wearing black.

He screamed and threw the brush, thankfully not damaging the mirror. He turned around, trying to find if there was anyone behind him. His boyfriends were playing a prank on him? Someone broke into the house?

But he found no-one. And the mirror was showing his own confused face. He rubbed his eyes, and again, he saw himself. Maybe he imagined it. He shouldn't have watched that horror movie, it was messing with his head.

He sighed and laughed, how ridiculous was he being. There was no way something like this would happen. He lifted his eyes again, but this time he froze.

There was a man dressed in black staring right back at him. He was wearing unusual clothing and a black fedora, chains falling from every part in his suit, if you could call it that. But what was creepy was the fact that he saw his face staring back at him. What was happening?

He opened and closed his eyes more times than he could count, hoping that this creepy image would leave, but it didn't disappear. If anything, it seemed that, this person, that resembled himself way too much, was mirroring his movements.

He held his breath for a moment, his heart beating so fast he could feel it inside his ears. He didn't dare take his eyes away from himself, afraid of the consequences. He lifted his right hand, and to his surprise the reflection did the same. He closed one eye and bent his knee and it followed. Ok, this definitely wasn't creepy.

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