XXXIII The Sunset

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"T-Tae, I'm fine, it's not like I'm gonna die..." Beomgyu mumbled to his boyfriend as the latter crouched down, pursing his lips to blow cool air onto his knee for the Nth times, as if it would stop the bleeding from his scratched skin.

In less than 5 mins of their first and ever date, hilariously Beomgyu threw himself off from the bike and resulted in a bloody knee cap.

Young and carefree, they borrowed the bikes they spotted along the way, riding them on the road. Their shades of racing over each other were traced by the setting sun.

Kicking the pedals with blooming smiles, the wind lavished them with a euphoric sense of freedom. Leaving all the worries behind with their speed, they had never felt this great and wished to stay in this forever.

They were laughing wholeheartedly in the paradise they found until Beomgyu shrieked in terror as he lost his balance and hit the ground together with his bike.

Taehyun left his bike to take care of the careless bear. He was frowning, pondering how to help with his wound and should he terminate their date to get Beomgyu a proper treatment.

To be honest, the pain on his knee was nothing unbearable but Beomgyu couldn't convince Taehyun to overlook it. What kind of overprotective boyfriend had he got into.

The younger assisted Beomgyu to the roadside for a seat after parking the bike there as well, that's when he started blowing on his knee and out of nowhere, a brown toy poodle bounding on his feet approached the older's legs with his soft paws.


A shorter man rushed to them following his puppy. He then took notice of the situation in which one of the boys was injured.

"Sir, where is the nearest hospita-" Sweating, Taehyun asked urgently but was cut off by the man calling for his pet, "Come on, Holly!"

The man carried his dog in his arms and ran away, disappearing from their sight in seconds.

Taehyun and Beomgyu were merely disappointed. They were told Shangri-La was a place built of 'love' and they were expecting it. Maybe the man was in a hurry, they tried to convince themselves. 

"Hey Beomie," Taehyun gently cooed to his boyfriend who had lost enthusiasm in his droppy eyes. "Is this hurting much? Should we find a shelter?" They younger thought his distress was out of pain but the older shook his head, "No, I was sad. Because I want to visit the garden with you. This sun is going down and we won't make it happen."

The older felt guilty for ruining their date. If he wasn't competitive in winning over the race (or getting lost in Taehyun's side profile when the sun highlighted his beauty), they would be having fun right now.

The pout on Beomgyu's lips was pecked away lightly by his boyfriend. "Don't worry, we have all the time to date." Taehyun tossed him a kitty wink to assure him. The flowers or his Beomie, which one was more important to him, the answer was crystal clear.

"Just lemme carry you." Taehyun attempted to pull the other up and they heard hasty footsteps– the man they met a minute ago was jogging towards them with a bunch of white flowers holding in his fist.

"Hold on, this will do." The man stopped them, waggling the plants. He detached the leaves and mashed them to flat before applying them to his wound, earning a yelp from Beomgyu because of the cold contact. He then loosened the scarf on his puppy and instead tying it onto Beomgyu's knee. "The bleeding will stop quickly." The man promised.

"Thank you for your help!" The boys expressed their gratitude. They felt sorry for mistaking the stranger for being heartless.

Not only the man, Holly also found joy to see the boys lit up. The puppy dropped on Beomgyu's unwounded knee, bobbing excitedly. Beomgyu couldn't help but pat his fluffy head.

𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥$ (Shangri-La) - Taegyu✔️Where stories live. Discover now