XX The Rainbow

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Their discussion didn't end up at the exciting journey but a reality problem– resource shortage.

"It's too risky to invade the capital city again. Maybe we should send the kids to the slum while we grown-ups proceed that trip to 'Shangri-La', we can steal necessities along the road..."

It was the least to expect this suggestion came from Han, who had always been the most popular among the kids.

"The slum?" Not to his liking, Taehyun's eyes widened crossing his arms.

Mr Kim poured efforts to separate them from the Celestians' control, to have healthier food and a life of their own. And now they were asking the kids to go to another slum just because he failed to support them.

"At least there were adults for them." Yeonjun appended, it was remorseful yet logical.

No one would like that idea. But they couldn't take care of the kids while sparking their journey. Leaving them here without food would be such an awful plan.

The air thickened as they couldn't find a better solution even though they tried.

"What do you think, Hueningie?" Yeonjun asked their maknae who was spacing out at the window.

"Rainbow..." The youngest muttered and they all tuned in his vision.

Outside the window, an arc of colorful strips beamed and glided across the spotless sky. It felt dreamy, serene to see the dynamic of colors blended together, embellished by fluffy clouds around the blue canvas– an artwork by nature.

 It felt dreamy, serene to see the dynamic of colors blended together, embellished by fluffy clouds around the blue canvas– an artwork by nature

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A rainbow was given birth by the coexistence of raindrops and sunlight, cutting one of them, no one could see that amazing scenery. Maybe it was their fate too, running through both hardships and aspirations, to experience the magnificent.

"It's beautiful!" Hueningkai exclaimed merrily, bouncing up with his plushie as if all the heavy topics just now were clouds that would flow out of their sight.

Again, they worried too much and started to forget about the present.

It was indeed a good timing for mood change so they dropped the meeting. Some of them rushed out of the compound to appreciate the aesthetic view.

"Tae." Before Taehyun joined the other boys, Yeoniun called him forth as he settled on a chair, rolling up his sleeves with one elbow grounding on the table.

"Let's see how you're doing." Yeonjun didn't have a hundred percent confidence, he just didn't show it.

The younger immediately took the opposite seat, accepting the challenge.

"Right arm." Yeonjun required since Taehyun could already beat him with his left.

Their hands gripped each other in the tightest. As they started off, it was very much 50:50, both of them were reluctant to expose a tiny bit of weakness.

𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥$ (Shangri-La) - Taegyu✔️Where stories live. Discover now