Chapter 14: That Damn Book

Start from the beginning

Then its tongue shot out, startling the horses, right past them, wrapping around Scanlan as he was still holding the book, pulled him right out of the wagon, and took off running, the others followed.

Kyria snarls, spitting the head out, and took off after them, "Scanlan!" Vex calls out as she and Percy aim for the undead, but misses. The others jumped back into the wagon as Percy cracks the reins and gave chase.

Keeping up with the speed, Kyira tries to snap and bite at the undead's leg as if it was just in front of her but kept slipping away. "You can do this, Kyria! I have utter faith in you!" Scanlan calls out to her. The undead veers off into the trees. Kyria follows as did Percy, avoiding the trees.

The undead then leaps the gap to the next set of land, Kyria jumps as well, almost missing it, but catches herself and continued after the undead. The wagon came up to the gap. But Keyleth shot her hand out, the green glow radiates from her hand as thick vines shoot out and creates a bridge, as they safely got to the other side, with a scratch.

On the side trail of the mountains, the wagon was just behind the undead and Kyria as they continued to chase. Then more of its friends decided to join in their little game.

One joins up front, and it slams into Kyria, making her yelp, but she slams right back into it, growling. Scanlan struggles as he went to scream, but the tongue of the undead just sticks itself in his mouth, shutting him up.

He panics for a moment but then started to like it, "Scanlan, hold on!" Keyleth calls out to him. Vax aims her arrow again and fires, but this time, she misses. "Come on, Percy! Faster! Hyah!" she shouts. He glares at her. "This thing was not built for speed. And did you just hyah me?!" he snaps and cracks the reins again.

She fired again, and it hits, but did nothing to slow it down, "That's just not fair." she mutters as Kyria rams into it once again.

Three undead slides off the side of the mountain and chases after the wagon from behind, "I'll take the big one!" Grog shouts, "I'll take the other big one!" Vax calls out, "Guess that just leaves me big ugly!" Jason calls out.

Once screeches, jumping at Vax, he stumbles back. Then the next one jumps, and Jason pulls up his shield as it rams into him. Forcing him to fall onto his back. As the last one jumps at Grog, opens its mouth, and eats him up.

Jason struggles as it snaps and tries to kill him, he held his shield up, trying to keep it off him as he was reaching for the mace that was knocked out of his hand.

Vax held the undead back as its mouth was open and tongue spiraling out of control, "Sit!" he shouts, the tongue wrapping around his wrist as he held tight and stabs it right in the side of the neck.

Nothing happens as it slams him through the side of the wagon, he was hanging from the edge, then it slams its jaw on his wrist, biting down hard. Vax cries out in pain. "Vax!" Keyleth shouts.

He shot a look at her momentarily, then back at the undead as it growls, biting hard on his wrist, but suddenly Keyleth rams her shoulder right into the undead. Throwing it off him, he grunts falling back into the wagon

It fell away, pulling back onto its feet, and snarls as she places herself between Vax and the undead. Her eyes glowed green, a growl bubbled in her throat then she snarls right at the undead, making it stop right in its tracks.

Finally grabbing hold of his mace, Jason bellows as he swung the mace, crushing the head of the undead in and it went flying through the side of the wagon, breaking through it and rips apart on the ground.

Then Grog grips the undead on him apart, smeared with blood, then he leaps for the one Keyleth had under her control and rams his fist right into the undead, throwing it back and it rips apart on the ground. "That's for Pike! And me!" Grog shouts as Keyleth, Jason, and Vax join him, "And maybe Scanlan 'cause he probably won't survive!" Grog calls out, falling to his knees.

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