Chapter 10: Fork in the Road

Start from the beginning

Jarett just turns and glares at her, "What did you just say?" he questions, holding her side, Kyria pulls herself off Jason, steps forward, and stood on her own.

"You have ears or have you miraculously gone deaf?" she questions. He marches back to her, "I advise you to watch what you say about the sovereign." he warns her.

Keyleth looks between them with worry, "Gods, you're even blind too. Sylas is a fucking Vampire and Delilah is a goddamn necromancer." she snaps at him.

"They only came to that stupid Banquet to put Uriel under their control, didn't you find it a little strange that after no response from Whitestone, they just happen to show up?" she questions him.

Jarrett just grips her by the shirt and glares down at her, "Do not push me." he warns, and she just glares back. "And I suggest you do not push me," she growls, gripping his hand in hers. Jason walks up and grips her shoulder. "That's enough, Kyria. They won't listen," he tells her.

She took one last glare then let Jarrett's wrist go. He did the same, shoving her back into Jason's arms. "Sit tight and wait for the Sovereign's inquiry," he tells them again and turns away. "And what, we're just supposed to sit here?" Grog snaps.

Jarrett stands at the door with his guards. "You have the run of your keep. I'm sure you will find something to entertain yourselves." with that he closes the doors shut, trapping Vox Machina inside.


Everyone was gathered in the common room, all just doing their own thing. Pike sat off to the side, looking down at her broken Everlight amulet, Grog doing lifts, Scanlan trying to translate the book Vax stole from the Briairwoods, and Vex just sitting, with her arms crossed.

Persketching of the keep, Vax just leaning against a chair, lost in her thoughts, Jason looking down at his Everlight circlet, shooting glances over at Pike as Kyria sat next to Keyleth.

Lost in her thoughts as her finger glazes over her cracked crystal, the worry clear in her eyes.

Grog spoke loudly with reach pull up. Vex kept flicking her eyes between Percy and Kyria but then notices Keyleth growing a flower from the dirt in her hand. Vax notices as well and he watches as she plucks the flower from her hand and places it on her antlers.

Vax looks away and rubs the back of his neck, trying to keep his red cheeks from showing. "Grog!" Percy snaps, looking at the goliath. "What?" he asks, stopping in his lift-ups. "I know we have a lot to talk about, but I'm not turning into a vampire, am I?" Vax asks, looking at his sister and pointing to his neck.

She said nothing and looks out the window, he looks as well as if his reflection was still there. Frowning to himself, he just looks away. "I withdraw the question," he mutters.

Jason sighs and places his circlet back on his forehead. "This night has been eventful and we've had plenty of those," he mutters, leaning against his hand. "So what are we waiting for? Let's fuck up these guards and bust out of here." Grog said as he places the makeshift weight down.

Vax just frowns at him "Oh? So you'd like to be fugitives of the crown, wanted in every corner of Tal'Dorei?" he questions crossing his arms, Jason would usually add in a smart remark, but he stayed quiet and looks over at Kyria, who as frowning to herself.

"If Uriel is under a charm, maybe Pike has a spell that can cure him," Keyleth suggests as she looks back, but Pike was even in the conversation right now. "Um, Pike? Where'd you go?" she calls to her again, Pike blinks and looks back at them, "Huh? Oh, um, I-I don't know. W-What she said." she answers and turns away.

Keyleth just frowns, "Best not to bring Pike into this, Keyleth." Jason said, making her look back at him, "She's... not okay." he answers, rubbing his hands together.

Vox Machina Book One: Nobodies to HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now