"Thats probably a good idea, maybe they can even get you in when we get back, we may not have to wait until tomorrow" He said looking at our 6am landing time. I nodded, "I will call as soon as we land" he said eagerly,

"Josh, just please don't get your hopes up yet." I said, squeezing his hand a little tighter.

"I won't." He said as he leaned over and kissed my cheek. I tried to sleep the rest of the flight but my mind was racing. We finally landed and before we were even off the flight Josh was calling the doctor office to make an appointment.

"There's no way you can squeeze us in today?" I heard him say as I picked up my bag, "Oh perfect, thank you so, so much. We will see you then" He said with gratitude I could hear. "You have an appointment in 4 hours."

"4 hours" I sighed, that was so soon.

"Hey, it's going to be ok. Either way we have 2 beautiful babies coming in February" He pulled me close,

"I know, and I can't wait." I paused, smiling. "I just, I'm still nervous."

"Thats valid, lets just see what happens today and then we can go from there ok?" He said calmly, I nodded as we walked off the plane. We drove back to the apartment, stopping at Danny's to pick up Billie. He had offered to take care of her while we were gone. We both unpacked a few things before showering. I pulled on my jeans, buttoning them and slipping my t-shirt over my head.

"Almost ready babe?" I heard Josh from the living room. I knew he was eager to get an answer.

"Coming" I said as I grabbed my bag. I walked into the living room and Josh gave me a soft smile. I slipped on my shoes and walked over to my furry friend "We'll be right back Billie" I said, putting her head before we walked out the door. We got in the car and I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt the whole way to the office. Josh would have caught it if he himself wasn't in his own world tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. We pulled into the parking lot and Josh came over to my side and opened my door. He looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes and I instantly felt calmer,

"I love you." he said, as he helped me out of the car,

"I love you too." I replied, he kissed me softly before pulling me into a hug. It was for him as much as it was for me. We walked in and Josh signed me in as I took a seat. He came and sat next to me, resting his hand on my leg and rubbing it reassuringly. After a few minutes they called us back and had me give a urine sample before putting us in the room. I sat on the exam table and looked around the room at all the pamphlets.

"Maybe we should take a few of those," I said with a smile, "We are going to be in the delivery room with Sloan," I said raising my brows. Josh stood up and walked over, looking through a few. We both jumped when the door opened and my doctor walked in. I nearly burst into tears when I saw the smile on her face. Josh immediately came to my side, holding my hand.

"Rhiannon," She smiled, "You're pregnant."

"You're kidding" I blurted out, Josh was just staring at her in disbelief.

"Lets take a look, I can show you and we can see how far along you are" She said, pulling over the ultrasound machine.

"Am I dreaming right now?" I asked, looking over to Josh who was still silent, watching everything unfold. He shifted, one hand behind my neck and the other holding my hand as we both stared at the screen. He rubbed my cheek gently with his thumb as I held my breath. The screen went from solid black to splotches of black and grey. We both had no idea what we were looking at really. And then I saw, the tiny spot in the middle of the screen, it looked the same as the ultrasounds Sloan had showed us,

"And, there is your baby" the doctor said,

"Are you sure?" I asked, tears in my eyes,

"I'm sure" She laughed softly, "It looks like you are about 11 weeks. Thats further along then you've been before which is a really, really good sign. I'm comfortable saying I predict a healthy full-term pregnancy for you" I looked over to Josh,

"That-thats our baby?" He asked, pointing to the screen, the doctor nodded. He instantly leaned forward, his head on my chest and wrapping his arms around me as he started crying. I held him, also crying at this point. This was everything we wanted for so long. He abruptly sat up, "Oh my god, 3 babies" He said before starting to laugh. The doctor joined him, she knew our situation,

"You are going to have your hands full. We have a full panel of tests we need to run. Do you want the gender test?" She asked, Josh looked to me and I nodded,

"Yes please, can we get every test? I just want to make sure mom and baby are both healthy" He requested

"Sure thing, a nurse will be right back in to draw some blood." She said walking out the door, "Oh, and your due date is January 4th" She gave one last smile and shut the door.

"Thats one month before Sloan's due date, which means I was already pregnant when we asked her to be a surrogate" I said as I covered my mouth in shock. Josh burst into a fit of laughter and I joined him "I guess I should have taken a test first"

"3 kids" Josh said as he ran his hands through his hair, his eyes wide.

"Not having second thoughts are you Mr.Kiszka?" I asked as I stood up,

"Never in a million years, I can't wait to raise 3 babies with you" He beamed, he pulled me into a long kiss.

"I can't believe this is really happening," I said, placing my hand on my belly. Josh placed his hand next to me, tears coming to his eyes again.

"I love you so much" He choked out

"I love you too" I replied. The nurse walked in at that point and drew my labs, and Josh looked through the list of everything they were testing for. Once my blood had been drawn for all my tests we scheduled an appointment for the following week and the nurse handed us the pictures that had been printed. Josh looked at them all the way to the car.

"We have to tell Jake and Sloan...can we please?" He asked as we got to the car. The doctor had said I was in the clear and I wanted nothing more than to share the news with them, and I knew Josh was dying to tell Jake.

"Let's call and see if we can stop by." I said with a smile, Josh grinned as he took out his phone.

"Hey, yeah we got back this morning, I was wondering if we could come by and tell you about our trip" He said, giving me a smirk "Perfect, we'll be there soon"

"I guess thats a yes" I laughed,

"Yes," He looked over at me, tears forming in his eyes again.

"Josh," I caressed his face, "You have to stop crying or they will catch on" I giggled,

"I just, I'm really happy you get to experience this love, I can't wait to see your belly and take care of you and, I'm just really happy." He said as I wiped a single tear away with the pad of my thumb.

"I'm really happy too"

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