Chapter 52 Job Interview

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Kilgore: It's just...weird, seeing a military bird out here on her own like this, y'know?

Stassney: Oooh, maybe it's some top secret covert ops. Some hush-hush "you never saw us" type of shit.

Kilgore: Yeah, and if we're lucky they'll kill you to keep this quiet.

Kilgore: Yeah, and if we're lucky they'll kill you to keep this quiet

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Blanton: Hey, we got a deadline to meet, all right? Ready up!

They turn to face the Pelican.

Blanton: Pelican crew! You may now open your bay door and slowly exit the vehicle!

Pelican door opens and hatch descends. A silhouetted figure steps into view.

Blanton: Hands in the air!

Blanton: Hands in the air!

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Felix: (Hands up.) Yes, sir.

Kilgore: It's... just one guy?

Felix: (Chuckles) Won't find anyone else on this ship.

Blanton: Come on out. Take it slow.

Felix descends down the ramp.

Stassney: You all right?

Felix: Yeah. I'm just glad ya found me.

Stassney: (Leaning toward Kilgore) This guy don't sit right with me...


Within the Tartarus' control deck. Crewmates are laughing.

Stassney: (Leaning on Felix's shoulder, smacking the armor plate.) This guy's my fuckin' hero!

Felix: Oh come on, you tell me every single one of you wouldn't have done the same thing. I mean, come on, a-am I right?

Mayers: That is a helluva story, son, but it's time we got you fixed up and went on our way. Lord knows we've wasted enough of the UNSC's time.

Felix: Well hey, are you hourly? (Crewmates laugh again.)

Stassney: Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

Felix: Seriously though, this ship looks like a fuckin' antique. Higher-ups couldn't spare the extra cash to fix her up?

Stassney: Ha. Yeah, right.

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