Colin looked beyond Stavroula's shoulder to see Eleni sweeping the floor. She was indeed a beautiful girl with olive skin and long dark hair and light blue eyes. She caught his eyes and gave him a smile small. Shaking his head, Colin turned back to Stavroula. "Eleni and your daughters are indeed lovely Stavroula, but I am not ready to get married."

"Is there a young lady back in England that you care for?"

Colin started to say no but paused and could not help but to think of Penelope. He had missed her dearly and longed to hear from her but knew that she had wanted to distance herself from him. He did not blame her in the slightest. What he had done was horrible. The worst part about the whole situation is that he came to realize that he did not mean what he had said. The truth was that Penelope was beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. He had been an utter fool not to see her for who she truly was. She was always in his thoughts, and everything reminded him of her. He had been watching the sun sent just the other day and the sky was as red as her hair while the ocean as blue as her eyes.

"Aah so there is someone," said Stavroula as her eyes pierced him with a knowing look.

"What makes you think that?" asked Colin before taking a bite from the tyropita.

"You have that look about you. The look of a man who is in love. I have seen it many times," said Stavroula wisely. "What are you waiting for? Marry the girl and bring her to meet me!"

Colin smiled. Penelope would love Stavroula. "I am afraid the situation is complicated."

"What is complicated about it? You love her?"

Colin was silent for a moment as he thought about Penelope. 'Did he love her?' He cared for her a great deal. At every social gathering, she was the one he sought out, preferring her company to anyone else's. He could talk with her for hours and never run out of anything to say. 'But was that love?' He knew that when Anthony fell in love with Kate it was white hot passion from the very start, but it was not like that for him and Penelope. His feelings for the red head had started as friendship but over the years had slowly grown into something else, something that now consumed every fiber of his being. When he had seen her at the modiste all those months ago in her light purple dress, he felt as if his heart had flipped over inside his chest. She was beautiful with her sinful curves and all that smooth creamy skin. He remembered when they had gone to Gunter's for ices, that a curl had fallen down onto her shoulder and how he had to force himself to not reach out to touch it. She had caught him staring at her, her piercing blue eyes meeting his and he had quickly looked away in embarrassment. That night as he lay in bed, the house quiet, he had taken himself in hand and worked himself to completion, the only thought in his mind being Penelope.

Colin looked back to Stavroula. "Yes, I love her."

"Then it is simple. You must go to her. Tell her you love her that you want to marry her and make babies with her. Just be honest. That is all you can do," said Stavroula as he placed her hand gently on Colin's.

An image appeared in his head of a little girl with red hair like Penelope and his green eyes and in that moment his heart felt so full of love. He fought back the emotion that was threatening to overwhelm him and looked to Stavroula who was smiling at him.

"What is her name Kolin?"


"That is a good name. Penelope the faithful wife to Odysseus the constant traveler."

Colin could not help to smile at the coincidence. It seemed that Penelope was forever waiting for Colin as Penelope was forever waiting for Odysseus to return home.

"Some things are meant to be my dear. You just need to take the leap," said Stavroula before she stood and went back to the kitchens to cook as Colin finished his food.

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