"Is there something you need, Mr. Miller?"

"Naw, just wanna spend some time with my favourite manager and, how could I forget, my favourite co-worker," Dave tells us, still eating Phil's fries. You silently eat your food, but listen to the words Dave says. "Say, I still don't know jack-all about either of ya. What's yer story, Phil?"

"I don't feel obliged to share any personal information with my employee."

"Employee? Is that all I am to you? After all we've been through?" Dave asked.

"It's been three weeks Mr. Miller."

"(Y/N), what's yer story?" Dave questioned you. You looked up from your food, and saw both of them looking at you. You chuckled nervously.

"Maybe another time, Dave."

"Ah, well, if ya don't wanna share, I suppose I'll go first. Maybe you'll warm up ta me. I've got quite the backstory."

As much as you wanted to eat your lunch in peace, you were curious about Dave. You assumed the man showed up out of nowhere, so information would be nice to know.

"Once many long moons ago, a beautiful li'l babe was born right along the golden prairies of Philadelphia, Texas. His name was David Hansel Miller, bright as a summer day and sharp as a fiddle. I was destined fer greatness the minute I popped into the world, heir to the Miller farm under my maw and paw."

Dave explained. You do have to say, he is a good storyteller. "My maw and paw wanted me to be the best farmer the side'a the west, so I was always out workin' on the farm. But despite my unmatched talents with the hoe, I never found myself thrivin'. Things only rolled further downhill when my paw left fer the war."

It seemed like Mr. Guy zoned out, as he was eating his food looking down at the table. But, you were more interested in the story than eating your food. "The war? What war?" You asked Dave. He turned his head to you quickly.

"The war, (Y/N). See, while my paw was out in the war, he lost his foot. He couldn't work no more."

"I'm very sorry to hear that, Dave."

"It didn't bother him too much, darlin'. Hell, he had that thing stuffed and mounted above the fireplace."

You had heard him use the term of endearment again, but decided to ignore it. You were more focused on the stuffing of his father's foot. "...Huh?"

"Point is, 'cause he couldn't work, all his duties were passed down ta me. But ya see, the more work I did out on the farm, the more I realized my passion was lyin' elsewhere; engineerin'." You struggled to understand the words Dave was saying, because of the fries being stuffed in his mouth. "I always found myself craftin' li'l gizmos and gadgets. Earned me a bit of trouble from my peers. They thought I'd never achieve my dream. But a true man'a the south never gives up. It's all in the cowboy code."

"There's a cowboy code?" Dave nods. You look at Mr. Guy, who just noticed that Dave was still talking. You had never seen a person more bored in your life. 

"I called it quits on farmin' altogether. Needless to say, my maw and paw were quite sore about it. But there was nothing they could do or say to change my mind. I set off fer university to pursue my dreams. Meanwhile, with the farm rottin' away, my maw and paw decided to take a trip up to..."

Dave paused. He looked over his shoulder, seemingly upset. "Up to...?" Mr. Guy hesitated before asking. Dave leaned in close to Mr. Guy's face. Thank god you didn't ask.


Your manager glanced at you for help. "Lutervania? Where is-" Dave got close to your face, not letting you finish your question.

"(Y/N), Lutervania ain't just any country. It's a goddamn battlefield. The second ya set foot in their border is like signin' yer own death warrant. They're savages, those Lutervanians. I don't even wanna tell ya what kindsa things they do to folks like you and I."

Dave being so close, definitely had your face burning up. You tapped Mr. Guy's desk, so he could get him away from you. He was quick to direct Dave's attention from you to him. "What... what do they do?"

"Ya really wanna know, Phil?" Mr. Guy nodded. "First, they take yer pence. Then, they take yer britches. And then, when ya thought it couldn't get any worse... they take yer NETHERS."

Dave sat back down in his chair, calm again. He grabbed your drink, but you didn't stop him this time. "I haven't heard from my maw and paw ever since. Truth is, I fear those Lutervanians finally got 'em fer good. I can only hope and pray they don't go outta their way to find me next. But I'm always prepared. Ain't nothin' a true Texan can't handle."

Dave took a sip from your drink, but you barely noticed. You were still trying to comprehend the insane story you were told. Dave got your attention again when he pushed Mr. Guy's nameplate off his desk.

"Anyways, I got all three'a my bachelor's degrees in engineerin' and wound up here. Wouldn't wanna be anywhere else, in fact!" Dave got up from his chair and grabbed Mr. Guy's arm. He looked at his watch. "That bein' said, I think it's high time I get out and start moppin' those tiles like ya said! See ya on the flip side, y'all. Thanks fer lunch!" Then Dave walked out of Mr. Guy's office, leaving both of us confused.


Listen, I know this chapter was boring as hell. It was kinda boring for me to write. Dave's backstory goes on for days. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Also, thanks for finding this in literally less than an hour. It was weird to get notifications immediately, I almost got scared. I have to get back to school tomorrow. Please expect slower updates. I'm usually not this motivated. Well, have a good day/night!

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