thank you for reading!

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hello there, my friend!

i hope you're having the greatest day ever. even if you're feeling down, don't you ever let that gorgeous smile of yours falter for much long! nothing lasts for eternity and this too shall pass. hold on, everything will be alright in a moment.

how amazing you are, to support strangers! it takes a lot to give so much to a person who you don't even know but trust me, everytime you do, your heart grows. you deserve to be happy, you deserve to be loved.

i've no idea what i could possibly do in return for the love that you've shown to this little book of mine. but let me tell you something. do what makes you happy, even if doesn't satisfy others - it doesn't have to. this is your life and you get to live it your own way. whatever it is that you're doing or planning to do, do not hesitate one bit. sammy will always be right here, rooting for you and cheering for you amidst all the change of seasons!

if you ever feel like you're alone, please remember that there is a person who keeps you in their thoughts with gratitude and love.

smile always! <3

with lots of love and chocolates,
sammy ^•^

grey days ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz