Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I'm walking out of the grief support group meeting when I see Ace and his kids.

"Zaria! Are you ready for Sky zone? *Mimi(Ace's daughter)

"Yes, are you? Who is going to jump really high?

"I will. Mimi is a baby. *Little Ace

"No, I'm a big girl. Right daddy? *Mimi

"Yea, both are big and strong and can jump all the way to the moon.*Big Ace

"Daddy, we don't wanna go to the moon. *Mimi

"Yea, the moon probably doesn't have pizza. *Little Ace

Big Ace and I laugh

"Okay, let's go to the car. Hold each other's hands, please. *Big Ace

They hold their hands and walk to the car which is down the block.

"You sure you are up for sky zone with these silly ass kids of mine? *Big Ace

"Yea. They are so adorable and funny. *Zaria

"They get that from me. *Big Ace

"Yea, the funny part. Not the looks, Melinda is a pretty lady. *Zaria

"Don't tell me you got a crush on my BM. *Big Ace

"No. She too much of a

"Hood rat? *Big Ace

"You said it, I didn't. *Zaria

"I'm glad we broke up, I got one less headache.

"What are the other headaches?

"Those two.

I laugh and then we all get into the car.

*Skips Sky Zone

Those kids and Ace wore me out! Each of them has a ton of energy. I wake up from a nap on the couch. Those kids and Ace wore me out! Each of them has a ton of energy.

All of sudden I hear a big noise like someone is breaking into my apartment. I reach into the drawer for my gun. Ace decided since I got kidnapped that I need to have a gun and take lessons. Time to see if I have remembered to shoot at a moving target.

Two men dressed in black came at me and I started shooting. Knee shoots and they are down. I grab my phone and thankfully I have some battery left.

"I'm calling the cops right now! *My neighbor yells


I call Ace and he picks up after two rings

"What's wrong? *Ace

"Two dudes just stormed my apartment and I shot them. My neighbor is on the phone with the police now.

"Okay, I'm coming.

Ace Pov

I bet it's the crazy ex-lawyer Alex trying to kidnap Zaria again. But luckily, I've been teaching her how to shoot. I text my homie Alex about the situation and he tells me to bring Zaria to the restaurant after she talks to the police. Before I leave my place, I take my burner phone out of my draw. I sent a message to my old crew 1million for Alex Kirkland, former lawyer. Dead or alive. I'm not playing no games with this nigga about my woman.

I arrive at Zaria's apartment and she is outside of the building talking to the cops.

"Is there anywhere you can stay for the night? *Cop

"She will be staying with me. *Ace

" Am I? *Zaria

"Who are you? *Cop

"Her boyfriend Ace.

She raises her eyebrow

"I can get a hotel for the night.

"That makes no sense. Anyway, can she go? *Ace

"Yes, if we have any more questions, we will contact you. *Cop

The cop walks away

"Bring your stubborn ass on. *Ace

She pouts but follows me to my car.

We get in and click our seatbelts. Then I drive us to my place which takes us 20 minutes.

Then I drive us to my place which takes us 20 minutes.

We get into my apartment and I sit down on the couch.

I pull out a blunt and light it.

"Come sit, relax. Do you want something to drink or eat?

"I want to take a shower, I got those dudes' blood on me.

"Okay, follow me.

She follows me into my bedroom.

I take out a t-shirt and shorts for her. I put the clothes on the bed. Then I go into the bathroom to turn on the water.

"Do you want a shower or a bath? *Ace

"I like Dr teal's bath products so now I will take a shower. *Zaria

I made a note to buy those for her.

"What else do you like? I can get clothes and products for you tomorrow. *Ace

"Why? I'm only spending one night there

"The place is a crime scene and someone, obviously that Alex nigga is after you. So you are safe here and I don't want you to get hurt. *Ace

"Too many men named Alex are obsessed with me and you're one of them. Ugh, I need a vacation.

"Where would you like to go? *Ace

"I'm not going to tell you cause I just know a flight and hotel will be booked by tomorrow. *Zaria

"So what? Why can't I spoil a woman that I deeply care about?

"Anyway, how is Chef Alex?

"Oh shit! We were supposed to stop by for some left-overs. Take your shower while I call that nigga.

"Tell him to bring the food and some here. We can have a sleepover. *Zaria

" You never want to spend time with me by yourself. *Ace

"That is correct. Now go.

I pout and leave the bathroom

Zaria POV

Ace is making it hard to resist him and I don't like that. I'm still grieving and I don't care if that man is my soulmate. Yes, I know he is my soulmate because it's been obvious plus that fool refuses to leave me alone. He also told me that he knows who his soulmate is and how she doesn't like him. So duh, its obviously me but I want to be single for a while.

A/n: What do you think about this chapter? Should Zaria give Ace a chance?

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