Chapter 7

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Zaria POV

My Aboogie, my Alex, is in a medically induced coma and it's all thanks to the driver that hit him on purpose.

Yes, a woman by the name of Celina Fairchild purposely hit him. When the officers asked why she stated that he (Alex) knows why. Apparently, she is his crazy soulmate, this news was given to me by Brianna.

"You should go home Babygirl. My sweet boy wouldn't want you so tired. Rest, eat and come back. Okay? *Alex Mom

"Yes. I will be back tomorrow.

I kiss Ace on the cheek then kiss his mom on the cheek.

I leave the hospital room.

I go into the elevator and guess who is in with me: Chef Alex

"I hope you are not stalking me because that's the last thing I need or want right now.*Zaria

"Not at all. My other best friend just had a baby with my sister. So now I'm an uncle and a Godfather. I was just visiting them.

"Oh sorry.

"It's okay. I heard about Alex on the news, it must be something about us Alexs that attract crazy ass women. *Chef Alex

I laugh

"I guess. I hope the drama ends though because it's been exhausting. I just want love and to be happy. *Zaria

I start crying from exhaustion and worry about Alex.

"I think I'm falling for him and I don't want to lose him. He makes me so happy.

"You won't, he will wake up and dance with you and make you smile.

"How do you know that we dance with each other? *Zaria

"Lucky guess. *Chef Alex

"Uh-hmm. *Zaria

He hugs me and it makes me feel a little better.

The elevator finally stops at the Lobby and we get off.

"Want a ride home? *Chef Alex


Chef Alex POV

She buckles up and then gets comfortable. Then she closes her eyes and falls asleep and luckily I know where she lives.

I want her but not if Alex dies, I don't want to be a rebound. I want forever with Zaria. She makes me feel things that I have never felt.I decide I'm going to be there for Zaria as a friend and nothing more. If she ever wants to take it to the next level with me then she can let me know. I'm just going to take care of her and make sure she doesn't make herself sick.

We get to her place and I park the car. I decided not to wake her up and just unbuckle her seatbelt and pick her up. As soon as I get in front of her place, she wakes up.

"Why am I in your arms? *Zaria

"Because you fell asleep. *Chef Alex

I put her down and she got her keys out from her purse.

"Well, thanks for the ride. *Zaria

"You are welcome. How about I come inside and make your brunch? *Chef Alex

"I don't know. *Zaria

"Just brunch, I just wanna be your friend. No fake shit. *Chef Alex

"I guess that's okay. *Zaria

We go into her building together and I feel like someone is watching us.


I can't believe this nigga had her in his arms. I thought he didn't want her anymore. I should've known he was lying but it's okay because I got plans.

My first plan was to bring back an ex of Alex to sabotage but I didn't even have to do that. That Celina chick did my dirty work and I didn't even have to do or say anything. I'm guessing she saw all of the Instagram posts that Alex had of Zaria and that pissed her off. Anyway, it seems like I don't have to do anything but wait and see. Artist Alex might not wake up, my homeboy Alex is undecided about his feelings for Zaria so that leaves me.

I swear I will leave the mother of my children, Melissa, to be with Zaria. It's toxic with Melissa and I know it won't be like that with Zaria.

*knock, knock

I jump up and notice that Alex is tapping on my window

"Zaria is worried about Alex being a stalker. *Chef Alex

"I'm just being a concerned citizen, that's all. *Ace

"Uh-huh. Leave Zaria alone. *Chef Alex

"Why can you figure out if you want her or not? You know you can't leave the food groupies alone

"And you can't leave your groupies alone. They love a great value, patchy beard, smoker voice nigga like you. You sound like you smoke 10 packs of cigarettes a day. *Chef Alex

"The ladies love a raspy voice nigga. *Ace

"I guess so because that's why Melissa won't leave you alone.*Chef Alex

"Which is your fault because you introduced us. *Ace

"Which is your fault because you introduced us. *Ace

"Yea but I didn't know y'all were going to be like oil and water. *Chef Alex

"Anyway, get away from my car. You're going to make it hot.*Ace

"Too late. She already knows that you are out here but she is ignoring you because she is tired and sad. *Chef Alex

"My poor baby. I know what is going to cheer her up.

"Are you leaving New York?

"haha. Go away.

I start my car and Alex walks to his car

I'm going to treat Zaria to a spa day and she is going to love it.

Lawyer Alex POV

This woman is rambling on about Zaria and Alex to my mother while I'm stuffing my face.

I feel bad about a dude and can definitely relate because I dealt with some crazy women in my past. Shit, I'm with a crazy woman now. Crazy women got great pussy so that's why I keep dealing with them. But to be honest it does get old especially with Sade. She is crazy and can't cook. Like wtf, the pussy can't be the only reason for me to stay and not stray.

Sade told me Zaria can cook. Hmm, I would like to taste her and her cooking. I bet that pussy got power.

"Damn is the food that good, my baby boy? *Mom

I wipe the drool

"Of course.

"He doesn't act like that when I cook. *Sade

"And that should tell you something, Groupon has cooking classes. *Mom

"I can cook, right baby. You love my food.

"You gave me food poisoning the first time you cooked for me.*Alex

"You tried to kill my son. Oh hell no. Break up with this dumb chatty heifer. *Mom

"Mom, relax. Sade, you should leave. *Alex

"Okay, I will go back to our place, I mean your place. *Sade

"But you don't have a key.

She smirks and walks away

"You and these crazy girls, Alex Tremaine.

"I know Momma. The next one is going to be my last girlfriend because she will be my wife. *Alex

"Why do I feel like you already have someone in mind?

"Because I do and you will love her.

"Can she cook?

"Yes but I haven't tasted her food yet.

"Okay. Be careful, don't break that crazy girl's heart. Be honest and give her the boot.

"Okay, Momma.

Zaria, I'm coming for you.

A/n: I finally updated this!! What do you think about this chapter?

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