Season 2: 5# Welcome To College, Boomer

Start from the beginning

Zach: I just wanna check on some missed work.

Mr Tan: You didn't miss anything.

Zach: Really?

Mr Tan: Yeah. I'm just worried about Tubbo. I've been told his mental health has been deteriorating recently and that his PTSD got worse.

Zach: Yeah.

Tommy: At this point, it's getting concerning. Ever since that duel with Aimsey.

Mr Tan: Wait, Tubbo and Aimsey had a duel?

Zach: Yeah, it was my idea to keep them from fighting in the library. But then I regretted it because Tubbo entered the Spiritual state and injured Aimsey. They're doing alright at the moment, but they won't be able to go back to college within a week.

Mr Tan: They're on sick leave, right?

Zach: Yeah.

Toby: No missed work, great.

Mr Tan: I didn't even give you guys work. But I'll assign you guys some work once we head to Norwich next week.

Ranboo: Why are we visiting Norwich again?

Zach: Ranboo, what are you doing here?

Ranboo: The orphans and I decided to switch to computer science cuz why not. Anyway, why are we heading to Norwich?

Toby: To visit that goddamn orphanage that got destroyed due to the windstorms. We need to find those records on how we were all orphaned. I finally found out mine but we didn't figure out Tommy's.

Eryn: I also figured out mine.

Tommy: Eryn, where did you come from?

Eryn: Hell.

Tommy: Considering the fact you're a Hybrid, that makes sense.

Zach: Maybe we should visit the library again after lunch.

Toby: What if I mess up again?

Bill: You won't mess up again, dude. It's all in the past.

Toby: Still feels like I just did it yesterday.

Cass: Didn't Aimsey forgive you?

Toby: He did, but I'm not sure he meant it. Because all I did was screw everything up.

That sentence stabbed my heart, well, not really because Tubbo was always a good leader. He didn't screw anything up and it wasn't his fault that his emotions got the best of him. He started crying so Ranboo began comforting him after he snapped.

Ranboo: There there.

Mr Tan: Am I ruining the moment?

Zach: Nope, you're good.

Toby: It's hard to cry with this thing.

Beau: Aww, Tubbo sounds cute with his nose congested and there's a nasal cannula on him.

Oli: Beau, you didn't have to baby him, he's a year older than you.

Beau: Aye, I know. I'm sorry.

Ranboo took off the nasal cannula from Tubbo and held on to it until Tubbo stops crying. His shirt is wet from the snot and tears but he didn't care. Once Tubbo stops crying, Ranboo started asking for tissue.

Ranboo: Does anyone have tissue?

Zach: I have some in my pocket in case I cough out sone gunk. Here.

Ranboo: Thanks.

Ranboo then put the tissue on Tubbo's nose.

Ranboo: Now blow, you don't want to breathe into your oxygen with your nose clogged up.

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